


招聘职位有效期至 2024 年 10 月 12 日/The job posting is valid until October 122024


1.招聘职位 / Job Positions:

留用实习生 2 名 / 2 retained Intern

非留用实习生 1 名 / 1 non-retained Interns

2.简历投递邮箱 / Application Email: echen@mp-lg.com

3.邮件主题格式 / Email Subject Format: 实习岗位_学校_姓名 / intern


留用实习 / Retained Internship: 试用期 2 个月,试用期满后考核合格者可转正。

/ 2-month probation period, after which the intern may be offered a permanent position upon

successful evaluation.

非留用实习 / Non-Retained Internship: 实习期 3 个月,实习期满后可根据双方意愿延长实习期。

/ 3-month internship period, with the possibility of extension based on mutual agreement.


1.工作时间 / Work Schedule: 每周实习 4 至 5 天。/ 4-5 days per week.

2.工作职责 / Job Responsibilities:


/ Assist lawyers in handling investment immigration cases, including organizing source of funds

evidence and drafting documents in English.


/ Complete other tasks assigned by the supervising lawyer.


1.岗位要求 / Job Requirements:

(1) 本科及以上学历,法律、财务、金融或英语专业背景优先。

/ Bachelor's degree or higher, preferably in Law, Finance, Accounting, or English.

(2) 能以英语作为工作语言,具有较强的阅读和写作能力。

/ Proficiency in English as a working language, with strong reading and writing skills.


/ Responsible, proactive, detail-oriented, and with rigorous thinking.

工作地点 / Work Location: 上海 / Shanghai


1.实习生工资 / Internship Compensation:

(1)本科生:250 元/天 / Undergraduate: RMB 250/day

(2)研究生:300 元/天 / Graduate: RMB 300/day

2.其他福利 / Additional Benefits: 免费零食、咖啡、下午茶、员工生日庆祝、团建等。/Free

snacks, coffee, afternoon tea, employee birthday celebrations, team-building activities, etc.


美国元臣国际律师事务所(www.mosaicparadigm.cn / www.mosaicparadigm.com)于 2011年在美国德克萨斯州休斯敦市注册成立,并在中国设有北京和上海两地办公室。律所拥有多名精通中英文且同时拥有中国执业资格的美国律师,熟悉中美法律,为中国客户赴美投资及移民提供全面的咨询与法律服务。/ MOSAIC Paradigm Law Group PC was established in 2011 in Houston, Texas, with offices in Beijing and Shanghai, China. The firm employs several bilingual attorneys who are licensed to practice in both the U.S. and China, and

who are well-versed in both U.S. and Chinese law, providing comprehensive legal services to

Chinese clients investing in the U.S. or seeking immigration.

信息编辑 ✎猫头鹰

本期编辑 ✎猫头鹰


