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  The caviar you eat might come from this small town in southwestern China.
  从2010年开始养鱼以来,这个位于雅安天全的小镇已经拥有了超过240口大小鱼池,可养超过400万斤鲟鱼。2022年,雅安天全县共产出鱼子酱 50 吨,占全球市场的12%。雅安天全县的小镇思经,可以算得上“世界级的鱼子酱重镇”,所产鱼子酱主要销往西欧和北美等地区。
  Since starting fish farming in 2010, Tianquan County in Ya’an City now boasts over 240 large and small fish ponds, which can accommodate more than 2 million kilograms of sturgeons.In 2022, Tianquan County in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province, produced 50 tons of caviar, accounting for 12% of the global caviar market. Sijing Town in Tianquan County, Ya’an City, has established itself as a“World-Class Caviar Hub”, primarily exporting caviar toWestern Europe, North America, and
  other regions.
  At present, Tianquan County farms five sturgeon varieties, namely the Acipenser baerii, Amur sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon, and Hybrid sturgeon. Among them, the Hybrid sturgeon is a high-quality sturgeon species exclusive to China.
  中文作者:四川日报记者 汪衡
  英文作者:四川国际传播中心记者 刘动