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In the home of a designer the objects are like an extension of the family. Like photographs or paintings, these objects' careful selection tell a story. Chairs, shelves and lamps add to the memories but are also the embodiment of those memories.


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When we got there the objects were important but the space was improvised. The family had an apartment, bought the place next door and attempted to colonize the new area by means of a tunnel in the shared wall. We could call this a first attempt to make a home from two houses that still showed signs of its dual nature: Two doorways, two kitchens, two symmetrical halves were inhabited by one single family.


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We took down the wall separating both apartments and the tunnel vanished. This gesture alone broke the duality and presented us with all the potential relationships of one single unit. One space where the rooms were faced on both sides for the first time, the height took a central role and a structural pillar was exposed.


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This new space needed order and we gave it to it from the top down: To give sense to the new volume the ceiling was shaped in the form of 2 parallel vaults, and order rained down from there.


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These vaults defined the space in three different ways:

- Their shape gives a sense of shelter.
- 它们的形状给人一种庇护的感觉。

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- They highlight the depth due to their perpendicular position from a view vantage point. There is a foreground and a background where there was just undefined chaotic space before.

- 由于从有利位置看它们处于垂直位置,因此它们突出了深度。有一个前景和一个背景,之前只是未定义的混乱空间。

- They give the central pillar a purpose by opposing a horizon to its vertical nature.

- 它们通过将水平线与其垂直性质相对立来赋予中心柱一个目的。

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When all is done the family returns to find their right place in their new place. Both people and objects find shelter under the new ceiling, without dualities, happy in their singularity.


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摄影:José Hevia

合作者:Ourania Chamilaki、Víctor Díaz-Asensio 和 Claudia Canalda

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