9月27日,2024中国国际孔子文化节在山东曲阜开幕。中国日报社(China Daily)携手山东省文化和旅游厅特此推出“好客山东”八联版,以精美的视觉设计和详实的文字报道带您领略儒家文化的博大精深,畅游齐鲁大地。
八联版一面以“对话孔子 互鉴文明”为主线,用极具艺术效果的恢弘长卷呈现了《论语》中的经典名句,以及君子“六艺”在现代社会的发扬和传承。文章详细介绍了2024中国国际孔子文化节的精彩活动和山东推动文化“两创”、文明交流互鉴取得的丰硕成果。
The 2024 China International Confucius Cultural Festival is kicking off on Friday in Qufu, Shandong province. The festival, which will run until Oct 7, aims to better explore and showcase the contemporary value of Confucian culture and strengthen the international dissemination of Chinese culture. 9月27日,2024中国国际孔子文化节在山东曲阜开幕。该活动将持续至10月7日,旨在更好地挖掘和展示儒家文化的当代价值,推动中华文化的国际传播。
With the theme of "Dialogue with Confucius, Mutual Learning Among Civilizations", this year's event is mainly hosted by the Shandong provincial government, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Commission of China for UNESCO. 本届活动以“对话孔子,互鉴文明”为主题,由山东省人民政府、文化和旅游部、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会主办。
Five major event including a memorial honoring Confucius and a global exploration of Confucius temples and academies will be held during the festival, as well as 100 cultural and tourist performances, exhibitions and folk experiences. 文化节期间将举办包括祭孔大典、“斯文在兹”——全球文庙书院溯源之旅在内的五项重点活动以及百项文艺演出、展示展览和民俗体验活动。
Over 370 guests from 36 foreign countries as well as China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have been invited to attend the festival, including ambassadors and consuls from nations such as Armenia, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. 来自36个国家以及港澳台地区的370余名嘉宾受邀参与活动,其中包括亚美尼亚、日、韩、泰等国家的驻华使领节。
Today, tourists to Qufu, which is the birthplace of Confucius, go beyond simply visiting Confucian heritage. They can watch spectacular performances and shows themed around Confucianism, and take part in multiple traditional cultural activities including calligraphy, paper-cutting and seal-carving. 今天,来到的孔子故里——曲阜的游客可以做的远不止探访孔子相关的历史遗迹。他们还可以观看各种以儒家思想为主题的演艺演出,并体验书法、剪纸、篆刻等丰富多彩的文化活动。
Additionally, workshops on Confucian culture are held in local schools and communities regularly to cultivate children's morality and incorporate traditional culture into residents' daily lives. 此外,当地的学校与社区会还定期举办以儒家文化为主题的讲习会,旨在培育青少年的道德品行,并将传统文化融入到人们的日常生活中。
八联版另一面以“ 孔子家乡 好客山东 ”为主题,从泰山之巅的雄伟壮丽,到趵突泉涌的澄澈清新;从曲阜三孔的历史沉淀,到青岛海滨的现代风情,全方位展现了山东丰富的旅游资源,邀请海内外宾朋跟着孔子游山东,领略“好客山东”的魅力。
The Shandong section of the Grand Canal is 643 kilometers long, creating a cultural corridor with a series of historical sites, ancient towns and villages, rich intangible cultural heritage, and a variety of exquisite local cuisines. 大运河山东段全长643公里,造就出一条古迹遗存密布、古镇名村众多、民俗非遗灿烂、珍馐佳肴丰富的文化长廊。
Taierzhuang Ancient Town in Zaozhuang city is located in the middle section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The town still retains numerous ancient streets, lanes, and buildings, earning it the title of “Living Ancient Canal” by the World Tourism Organization. 枣庄市台儿庄古城位于京杭大运河中段。古城内至今仍村有大量的古街巷、古建筑,被世界旅游组织称为“活着的古运河”。
Rising 1,545 meters above sea level, Taishan Mountain, esteemed as the "most revered of China’s five great mountains", is located in the city of Taian, Shandong province. 泰山位于山东省泰安市,海拔1545米,有着“五岳之首”的美誉。
To reach the Jade Emperor Peak, the mountain's highest point, visitors must take on the challenge of climbing nearly 8,000 steps. But the arduous hike proves to be rewarding, as at the summit, they can see a stunning vista of ancient temples, towering pines, steep cliffs thrusting out through the sea of clouds. 要想到达泰山最高峰——玉皇顶,游客们必须要征服近8000级台阶。尽管旅途艰辛,但确是值得的,在泰山之巅,他们将欣赏到古老寺庙、巍峨松柏、陡峭悬崖穿云而出的壮丽景色。
So far, a total of 186 cultural items from Shandong have been recognized as national intangible heritage including kite-making techniques from Weifang, shadow puppet plays from Jinan and paper-cutting from Yantai. 截至目前,山东拥有国家级非遗名录项目186项,包括潍坊风筝制作技艺,济南皮影戏、烟台剪纸等。
Throughout the year, tourists can participate in different folk festivals and traditional cultural activities around the province to experience its artistic creativity and cultural diversity. 一年四季,游客可以在山东各地参加丰富多彩的民俗节庆和传统文化活动,体验其艺术创造力和文化多样性。
Shandong also boasts a well-connected transportation network, multuple culinary delights, and a diverse array of accommodation options, offering visitors a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience. 山东还拥有便利发达的交通体系,各式各样的美食佳肴以及多样化的住宿选择,为游客带去舒适、无忧的旅游体验。