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张老师 18205162708

马老师 13357736143

潘老师 15951892196







The Sixty-third Research Institute, National University of Defense Technology(NUDT) invites outstanding talents all over the world to apply for the Overseas Excellent Youth Program


Under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China, the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) is a comprehensive research university. In 1959, it was designated as one of the 20 key universities in China. Asone of the first institutions authorized by the State Council to grant master and doctoral degrees, it established College of Graduate after receiving approval with other 21 universities as the first batch of pilot units. The NUDT is also included in the major national higher education development projects, including the National Project 211, the National Project 985 and the national “Double First-Class” Initiative.

The Sixty-third Research Institute, National University of Defense Technology is located in Qinhuai District, Nanjing. As a scientific research institute specializing in electromagnetic space security, it is mainly responsible for the research of cutting-edge technology, training of high-level talents and support of strategic decision-making in this field, and it is the vice-group leader unit of the ITU 5C Domestic Counterpart Working Group, as well as the chairman unit of Electromagnetic Spectrum Security & Control Committee of CICC.

The institute has a high-level innovative team led by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, national and military high-level talents, and doctoral supervisors. There are one postdoctoral research station, five military-level research centers (key laboratories), and domestic first-class scientific test platforms. In recent years, the institute has undertaken more than 100 scientific research tasks, such as national and military-level major programs and key projects. We achieved a number of international scientific research achievements, and was awarded with more than 160 scientific and technological prizes in international, national, and military (provincial and ministerial) level.

Declaration Conditions

The Following Conditions refer to the “Guidelines for the 2024 NSFC Outstanding Youth Science Funding Program(overseas)”. Please refer to the 2025 Guidelines as the final guide. We will contact the applicants as soon as the latest Guidelines are released.

1.Obey the laws and regulations of the people’s republic of China ,have good scientific ethics, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era.

2.Be born on or after January 1, 1985(included).

3.With a doctoral degree ,generally should obtain an official teaching or research position in overseas universities, research institution, or enterprise R&D organization after obtaining the doctoral degree until the declaration in 2025, or have more than 36 consecutive months of work experience; for those who have obtained a doctoral degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the working year requirement can be appropriately eased.

4.Have achieved scientific research of technological achievements approved by peer experts, and has the potential to become an academic leader or outstanding talent in the field.

5.Have not yet returned(came) to China in full-time work, or will return(come) to China after January 1, 2024 to work. The applicant must resign from his/her overseas job or have no job overseas and will return (come) to China to work in full-time for no less than 3 years after being notified of the grant award.

6. The primary focus of applicants’ research should be on natural sciences or engineering technology, etc.

Professional requirements

Information and Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Management Science and Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence

Supporting Packages

After being selected and fully employed as overseas young talents, candidates will enjoy the following benefits:

Career guarantee: Directly appointed as a professor (with a permanent position) and Young Scientific Talent. Qualified to supervise doctoral students and guaranteed enrollment quotas for PhD students.

Salary and benefits: The starting salary is no less than 550,000 CNY per year, and additional benefits include social security and housing provident fund. The university provides annual pension contributions. Scholars are eligible for high-level rewards for scientific research achievements.

Research funding: 3-10 million CNY (including national support). Provided with excellent office and research laboratory facilities.

Housing guarantee: Settlement allowance of no less than 600,000 CNY. A talent apartment on institute is available before house purchase.

Service guarantee: Attend a military kindergarten freely and enjoy high-quality primary education resources jointly built by the military and local authorities.

For exceptionally outstanding overseas talents, support conditions will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.


Mr.Zhang 18205162708

Mr.Ma 13357736143

Ms.Pan 15951892196


Resume Title:

Name+School+Degree+Major+Overseas Excellent Youth Program

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