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张强医生集团和INTELEOS 推动CHIVA进入美国

Dr. Smile Medical Group和Inteleos率先将CHIVA引入美国市场。Dr. Smile Medical Group是全球领先的静脉病诊疗机构,Inteleos则在全球医疗认证和培训领域拥有重要地位。两大机构的合作为CHIVA在美国医疗保健体系中的推广奠定了基础。目前,美国尚无专门的CHIVA治疗中心,但纽约首家CHIVA培训中心的筹备工作已经展开,这一举措有望革新全美静脉曲张的治疗方式。


尽管美国最新临床指南推荐早期静脉曲张使用CHIVA,并特别提到CHIVA必须由经验丰富、接受过训练的专业医生来实施,但Dr. Smile Medical Group的最新多中心研究表明,CHIVA在静脉曲张的各个阶段(从C2到C6,包括静脉溃疡)均显示出显著优势。研究突出表明,CHIVA不仅能降低复发率,还能通过保留大隐静脉的功能显著改善患者的治疗效果。这与传统的静脉抽剥或消融术有着重大区别,后者往往完全移除或破坏静脉,导致更高的复发率和更多的并发症。




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CHIVA被纳入这些权威指南,标志着其全球扩展的关键一步。作为为数不多的非破坏性静脉曲张治疗方案之一,CHIVA不仅将在美国获得更多关注,还将迅速在其他主要医疗市场站稳脚跟。Dr. Smile Medical Group致力于将CHIVA带入美国市场,这也只是其全球战略的一部分,未来将通过建立更多静脉治疗中心,使全球患者更容易获得这种创新疗法。


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原文转载:Global Advances In Phlebology


CHIVA Treatment Included in U.S. Clinical Guidelines: A Major Step Forward for Varicose Veins Management

In a landmark development, CHIVA (Conservative Hemodynamic Cure for Venous Insufficiency) treatment has been officially recognized in the latest clinical guidelines issued by three major U.S. medical societies: the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), the American Venous Forum (AVF), and the American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS). This inclusion signals a pivotal moment for vein care in the United States, as CHIVA offers a minimally invasive, vein-preserving alternative for managing varicose veins.

Bringing CHIVA to the U.S.: Dr. Smile Medical Group and Inteleos Lead the Charge

The introduction of CHIVA to the U.S. market is driven byDr. Smile Medical Group, a global leader in vein care, and Inteleos, a key player in medical certification and education. Together, they have laid the groundwork for bringing CHIVA into the spotlight of U.S. healthcare. Up until now, no specialized CHIVA treatment centers exist in the U.S., but plans are already underway to establish the first CHIVA training center in New York, a move that could revolutionize how varicose veins are treated nationwide.

Clinical Evidence Backs CHIVA’s Effectiveness

Although clinical guidelines recommend the use of CHIVA for early-stage varicose veins and specifically emphasize that CHIVA must be performed by experienced, well-trained professionals, a multi-center study by Dr. Smile Medical Groupy shows that CHIVA offers clear advantages for patients across all stages of varicose vein disease, from mild cases (C2) to more severe conditions , including venous ulcers(C6). The research highlights CHIVA’s ability to not only reduce recurrence rates but also significantly improve patient outcomes by preserving the function of the great saphenous vein. This is a major departure from traditional vein-stripping or ablation techniques, which remove or destroy the vein entirely and can lead to higher rates of recurrence and complications.

One of the reasons for CHIVA's lower recommendation level (Grade 2, weak recommendation) and moderate strength of evidence (Grade B) is related to the steep learning curve and the negative impact caused by suboptimal CHIVA procedures.

CHIVA, as a vein-preserving, minimally invasive treatment, requires physicians to have a deep understanding of venous hemodynamics and advanced technical skills. The complexity lies in the fact that physicians not only need to grasp the principles of hemodynamics but also execute the procedure skillfully to correct venous reflux without damaging the veins. Due to the high level of technical difficulty involved, physicians often need to go through a prolonged learning curve to achieve optimal results. During this period, if the procedure is not performed correctly, it can lead to suboptimal outcomes or even treatment failure. This challenging learning curve is one of the key factors affecting CHIVA's recommendation level.

As CHIVA technology has been promoted globally, some physicians who have not undergone comprehensive training or lack experience have failed to achieve the expected outcomes when performing the procedure, resulting in negative outcomes. These suboptimal CHIVA procedures can lead to disease recurrence or postoperative complications. Such negative reports have tarnished CHIVA's overall reputation and made guideline developers more cautious about the technology, further affecting its recommendation level and strength of evidence.

A Vein Treatment Breakthrough for U.S. Patients

With CHIVA now included in these leading clinical guidelines, U.S. physicians have a new, patient-friendly option for treating varicose veins. CHIVA’s focus on vein preservation aligns perfectly with the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures that offer faster recovery times and better long-term results. As the first CHIVA training center in New York prepares to open its doors, more U.S. doctors will be trained in this advanced technique, ensuring wider access for patients nationwide.

Global Impact and Future Expansion

The inclusion of CHIVA in these guidelines represents a critical step in the treatment’s global expansion. As one of the few treatments that offer a non-destructive approach to varicose vein care, CHIVA is poised to gain traction not only in the U.S. but also in other major medical markets. Dr. Smile Medical Group’s initiative to bring CHIVA to the U.S. is part of a broader strategy to establish vein treatment centers around the world, making it easier for patients everywhere to access this innovative therapy.

As more clinics adopt the CHIVA technique and the global CHIVA training network—especially in the U.S.—continues to expand, this treatment is expected to become the preferred option for patients and physicians seeking vein-preserving, natural recovery therapies in the coming years.