(1) 从伊辛模型到神经网络
报告人:张潘 ,中国科学院理论物理研究所
(2) 漫谈深度学习的物理
报告人:王磊 ,中国科学院理论物理研究所
With significant advances in classifying and cataloguing topological matter, the focus of topological physics has shifted towards quantum control, particularly the creation and manipulation of topological phases of matter. Floquet engineering, the concept of tailoring a system by periodic fields, offers a powerful tool to manipulate electronic properties of condensed systems, and even to create exotic non-equilibrium topological states that are impossibly present in equilibrium scenarios. Here, we will give our several works in theoretical investigations of Floquet engineering topological states from effective models towards realistic materials. We show that light irradiation can realize various desired topological states through the introduction of symmetry breaking, such as quantum anomalous Hall effects with tunable Chern numbers, bicircular light induced gyrotropic magnetic effect, and Floquet chiral topological superconductivity, as well as beyond. Moreover, based on first-principles calculations and Floquet theorem, we show several realistic material candidates proposed as potential hosts for promising Floquet topological states, facilitating their verification in experiments.
王锐,重庆大学物理学院/量子材料与器件研究中心教授、物理学院副院长。2003年至2012年在重庆大学学习,获得学士、硕士、博士学位。2012年博士毕业留校任教,历任讲师、副教授,2020年评为教授。近年来,主要从事计算与理论凝聚态物理研究,围绕拓扑物态与拓扑材料的理论设计、周期光场驱动下拓扑物态的量子调控等问题开展了一系列研究,相关研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者在Physical Review Letters,Nature Communications,Nano Letters,Physical Review B等期刊发表论文60余篇,获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目、重庆杰出青年基金项目等资助,重庆市研究生导师团队负责人,中国物理学会科普工作委员会委员。
报告人:Junwoo Son, Seoul National University,SNU
In this presentation, I will present my research efforts to demonstrate the reversible and percolative control of phase transition by external stimuli for unprecedentedly sensitive sensors and energy-efficient computing. First, our strategy for hydrogen-driven phase transition in VO2 will be introduced to dramatically change electrical resistance without disrupting the lattice framework [1], which can be applicable for the femto-mole-sensitive and biomarker-specific sensing of neurotransmitters in the brain [2]. Furthermore, I will discuss the new concept of zero-strain metal-insulator transition with nanoscale structural heterogeneity by doping to eliminate geometric incompatibility and decouple structural phase transition during electronic phase transition for robust switching [3]. [1] H. Yoon et al., Nature Materials 15, 1113 (2016) [2] J. Kim et al., (in revision) [3] Y. Park et al., (submitted)
Junwoo Son is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU). He received his BS in Materials Science and Engineering from Seoul National University (2005) and his PhD in Materials from the University of California, Santa Barbara (2011). Before joining SNU in 2024, he was an assistant and associate professor at POSTECH (2013 ~ 2024). He is also affiliated with the Research Institute of Advanced Materials and the Institute of Applied Physics at SNU. He serves as a Review Board member of the National Research Foundation of Korea and a committee member of the Korean Association for Industrial Technology Security. His research interests include 1) understanding of the structure-property relationship of nanoscale oxide thin films and heterostructures, including strongly correlated materials, oxide semiconductors, and low-dimensional oxides, and 2) design of new functionality for electronic applications. Prof. Son has authored or co[1]authored more than 90 peer-reviewed publications, including Nature Materials, Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials etc.
报告人:Bastien Francesco Grosso,University of Birmingham (UK)
In this talk, we will first consider one of the most studied ferroelectric materials, bismuth ferrite, as a toy model and explore the space of possible structural distortions using a combination of phonon modes and machine learning techniques. We will show how this method can uncover several previously unidentified low-energy phases. In the second part, we will discuss the importance of electrostatic engineering in unveiling hidden metastable phases with surprising intrinsic properties and show how our predictions were confirmed experimentally. In the last part, we will present our efforts to identify new ferroelectric materials. We will present a workflow we developed to identify new potential quaternary materials with ferroelectric properties. Finally, we will conclude by presenting our latest effort on identifying oxygen-free functional materials for better integration into microelectronic devices.
Dr Bastien Francesco Grosso is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham (UK). He graduated in Physics (BSc and MSc) from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). He wrote his MSc Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Eugene Mele and holds a PhD in Materials Theory from ETH Zurich (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. Nicola Spaldin. After completing his PhD, he moved to the UK. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University College London (UCL) under the supervision of Prof. David Scanlon, before being awarded a Marie Curie individual fellowship in 2023. His research interests are functional materials and controlling their properties under external stimuli. He is also interested in materials discovery and identifying new stable materials using high-throughput calculations and machine learning techniques.
报告人:Prof. Dr. Vitali Averbukh, Imperial College London
地点:物理楼 中215
In hole thismigration presentation, experiments I will discuss performed the theoretical at the LCLS interpretation and FLASHof Xthe -rayrecent free electron laser facilities and targeting the electronic observables, such as timedependent Auger electron signal. I will also describe our progress in developing the ab initio many-electron theoretical tools, such as B-spline ADC, that allow us to gain insight into the mechanisms of the onset and decay of the coherent hole dynamics. Combining application of such ab initio tools with analytical modelling has led us to propose a number of new spectroscopic approaches for direct observation of coherent many-electron dynamics in ionized systems. A central role in the generation of the ionic coherence belongs to the quantum entanglement between the photoelectron and the atomic or molecular ion. We have developed and simulated numerically a Bell test for probing the quantum entanglement in photoionization. We have designed and simulated the quantum protocol for entanglement quantification for the case of noble gas atoms photoionized by ultrashort, circularly polarized infrared laser pulses in the strong-field regime, demonstrating robust violation of the Bell inequality. The Bell test developed in our work detects entanglement between the internal states of the Ar+ and the spin states of the photoelectron by exploiting the spin polarization of the photoelectron beam.
Prof. Dr. Vitali Averbukh is a theoretician working on a wide range of topics in molecular spectroscopy, from ab initio many-body theory of attosecond electron dynamics to biomolecular mass spectrometry. In the field of attosecond physics, he studies fundamental ultrafast electronic processes that occur in molecules and clusters following excitation and/or ionisation. These electronic transitions are driven by electron-electron interaction and are the basic manifestation of the electron correlation in nature. His group is developing and using first principles many-electron theoretical methods to investigate the complex dynamics of the known electronic rearrangements and to predict new physical phenomena of this type. The ab initio computational method developed in his group recently, B-spline algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC), allows us to look inside the radiative and non-radiative many-electron transitions in order to study the onset and the effect of quantum coherence on these phenomena.
量子计算的核心优势在于其查询模型的独特性质。Deutsch-Jozsa算法、Grover算法以及Shor算法的关键部分均依赖于量子查询的机制。Andris Ambainis在2018年数学家大会上的报告《Understanding Quantum Algorithms via Query Complexity》指出,查询模型在理解量子算法的思想中扮演着至关重要的角色。本报告将详细介绍量子查询模型,并分享本人在精确量子查询算法领域的研究成果。
郑盛根,粤港澳大湾区(广东)量子科学中心研究员,CCF量子计算专委常委。郑盛根主要从事量子计算,EDA逻辑综合,理论计算机科学等研究。2015年与Ambainis一起合作证明了精确量子查询算法几乎对所有的布尔函数都有优势,解决了量子查询领域里一个十几年来的公开问题。在Information and Computation, Journal of Computer and System Sciences,Theoretical Computer Science, Physical Review Letters, NPJ Quantum Information,ICCAD,DATE,QIP,AAAI等SCI期刊和会议发表论文六十多篇。郑盛根作为本地主席成功举办了第23届量子信息处理国际会议(QIP'2020)。
人类对物质世界微观层次的探索从来没有停止,在近百年来取得了巨大的进展。通过长期且大量的实验与理论研究,建立了粒子物理的标准模型理论。位于欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)的大型强子对撞机(LHC)是现在乃至未来约二十余年内世界上最先进、能量和亮度最高的强子对撞机,是高能物理研究最重要的前沿。2012年LHC上的ATLAS和CMS实验取得突破性进展,共同发现了“上帝粒子” -- 希格斯粒子,解决了基本粒子质量的起源问题。希格斯粒子被发现后,我们将研究重点转向希格斯粒子性质研究、精确标准模型检验以及寻找超出标准模型的新物理等方面。报告人将全面介绍CMS实验,包括其物理目标、探测器及其升级、未来研究计划等,并着重介绍中国组在其上的亮点工作。
冒亚军,1983年毕业于北京大学技术物理系,1996年于中国原子能科学研究院获得博士学位。曾作为美国加州理工学院访问学者、世界实验室FBLJA fellow参加L3实验。曾作为日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)共同研究员、RIKEN-BNL center协力研究员参加PHENIX实验。2001年起担任北京大学物理学院教授,曾担任技术物理系副主任、主任,北京大学核研院基础研究中心主任,国家自然基金委员会数理学部评审专家。曾任BESIII合作组共同发言人,物理协调人,Institutional Board主席,现任BESIII执行委员会委员、成员委员会主席,CMS中国组协调人(National Contact Person),北京大学CMS组和BESIII组负责人,中国高能物理协会常务委员。
报告人:Prof. Ruben Minasian,IPhT Saclay

李逢苗,合肥国家实验室研究员,2014年获中国科学院物理研究所博士学位,2014-2024年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学量子物质研究所从事科研工作,先后任职Postdoc、Research Associate和Senior Scientist。2024年9月加入合肥国家实验室。李逢苗博士长期从事量子材料薄膜的精确生长和性能调控方面研究,相关成果发表在Physical Review Letters、Science Advances和Nature Communications等国际主流期刊上。
报告人:Sébastien Clesse,布鲁塞尔自由大学
There is a booming interest for Primordial black holes (PBHs) since the detection of gravitational waves from black hole mergers. I will review some of the recent developments in the field of PBHs, going from formation scenarios to constraints on their abundance and to possible observational evidence, including subsolar-mass black hole candidates. In particular, I will focus on the confrontation of PBH models with an extended mass distribution to the recent gravitational-wave observations, based on new calculations of their merger rates and clustering properties.
Sébastien Clesse is a professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium since 2020. He got his PhD at ULB and UCLouvain in 2011. From 2011 to 2020, he worked as a post-doc at DAMTP Cambridge, TUM Munich, University of Namur (Belgium), RWTH Aachen University, and finally at UCLouvain.
报告人:Seung Mok Lee,Seoul National University
报告人:Professor Angel Rubio,德国马克斯普朗克结构与动力学研究所
Confining electromagnetic fields inside an optical cavity can enhance the light-matter coupling between quantum materials embedded inside the cavity and the confined photon fields. When the interaction between the matter and the photon fields is strong enough, even the quantum vacuum field fluctuations of the photons confined in the cavity can alter the properties of the cavity-embedded solid-state materials even at equilibrium and room temperature. This approach to engineering materials with light avoids fundamental issues of laser-induced transient matter states. To clearly differentiate this field from phenomena in driven systems, we call this emerging field cavity engineering materials. In this review, we first present theoretical frameworks, especially, ab initio methods, for describing light-matter interactions in solid-state materials embedded inside a realistic optical cavity. Next, we overview a few experimental breakthroughs in this domain, detailing how the ground state properties of materials can be altered within such confined photonic environments. Moreover, we discuss state-of-the-art theoretical proposals for tailoring material properties within cavities. Finally, we outline the key challenges and promising avenues for future research in this exciting field.
Angel Rubio教授,德国马克斯普朗克结构与动力学研究所所长,美国西蒙斯基金会Flatiron研究所杰出研究科学家,德国汉堡大学教授。研究领域涉及凝聚态物理中非平衡新奇物态、拓扑和强关联材料的探索与描述,材料电子结构性质的理论建模及非平衡态光与物质相互作用模拟,主导开发了被广泛使用的含时密度泛函计算软件包OCTOPUS。共发表400余篇出版物,引用次数超过40000次,36篇论文被评为“高被引论文”,入选爱思唯尔高被引学者。Rubio教授2014年当选美国科学院外籍院士,2016年当选欧洲人文和自然科学院院士, 2020年当选欧洲科学院院士,2022年当选柏林-勃兰登堡科学与人文学院院士,并于2023年当选德国国家科学院院士和中科院外籍院士,获得了包括西班牙布拉斯·卡布雷拉国家研究奖(2023年)、马克斯–玻恩奖(2018年)、西班牙皇家物理学会金奖(2016年)在内的多个国际著名奖项。