
October 22, 2024

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Many students find it is harder to study at university or college compared to when they were in school. Why is this happening? What are the solutions to this problem?


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Whileembarkingonone’s college journey has long beenhailedas adeep dive intopersonal growth, thismilestonehas facedknotty issuesfor thosefreshly-enrolled. Possible explanations as to why this is occurring are worthdelving into.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ embark on 从事/开始一段长时间的旅程

❖ hailed 被誉为/被赞誉为

❖ a deep dive into 深度探索

❖ milestone 里程碑

❖ knotty issues 棘手的问题

❖ freshly-enrolled 刚入学的

❖ delve into 深入研究

Body paragraph 1

Notably, the need for critical thinking andautonomous learninghasbeen thrown into sharp reliefby the lesshand-holding academic structuresat university where professorstake a backseat approachto students’ learning process, whileself-expressionand collaboration are emphasized as key qualities toaugmentone’s engagement ingroup assignmentsand seminars. Additionally, inability tojuggleone’s long booklist task,self-care relaxation, adequate sleep and social life leaves many former secondary programmersdisorientedand emotionally unstable. In some cases, immature internationalcollege ladssuffering fromhomesicknessmay end uplocking into their comfort zone, while those busy with part-time job toreplenishliving budge arekept at bay fromclassmates, feelingdisconnected and isolated.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ autonomous learning 自主学习

❖ been thrown into sharp relief 被明显凸显出来

❖ hand-holding 手把手的/贴心的

❖ academic structures 学术结构

❖ take a backseat approach 处于次要重要的位置

❖ self-expression 自我表达

❖ augment 增强v.

❖ group assignments 小组作业

❖ juggle 兼顾v.胜任多个任务

❖ self-care relaxation 自我照顾放松

❖ disoriented 迷失方向

❖ homesickness 思乡之苦

❖ college lads 大学生

❖ lock into their comfort zone 困在自己的舒适区

❖ replenish 补充v.

❖ be kept at bay from 与隔绝

❖ disconnected and isolated 疏离和孤立

Body paragraph 2

Even though worriesloom overyoung people’spoor adaptivity, there are also solutions to mitigate this risk. Primarily, college should organizeorientationto encourageproactive learningmode, for exampleprimingfreshmenwithgood advice from senior students in the same major; by the same token, seeking support from lecturers and tutors should be highlighted as a tool in theacademic toolkit. Furthermore, monthly workshops should be run on campus for diverse needs for time management, enabling students to adopttailoredapproaches tounwind stressfrom upcoming submission ofthesisand papers. Finally, more efforts need to be made toexpand students’ accesstomingling withnew friends by engaging with meaningful hobbies which are notstudy-related, since life is a reality to be experienced rather than a problem to be solved.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ loom over 笼罩

❖ poor adaptivity 差劲的适应力

❖ orientation (岗前、学前、课前等的)情况介绍,培训;适应,熟悉

❖ proactive learning mode 积极主动的学习模式

❖ prime with 事先指点,使(某人)做好准备;把(某事物)准备好,使备用;

❖ academic toolkit 学术工具包

❖ unwind stress 缓解压力

❖ thesis 论文

❖ expand students’ access 扩大途径

❖ mingle with 结交

❖ study-related 学习相关的


In conclusion, through campus and personal efforts, those young adults who justenter the college lifeare expected to be morementally andacademically readyfor upcoming challenges.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ enter the college life 进入大学生活

❖ mentally and academically ready 精神上和学业上的准备

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