刚才,我讲述了一些国外滥用毒品的故事。在新加坡,我们也看到了令人震惊的故事。去年年初,一名男子因与自己 17 岁的女儿分享甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)而被判乱伦罪。女儿依赖他来维持毒瘾,几个月来一直没有说出真相。
在去年的另一起案件中,一名 31 岁的男子,他吸食了各种毒品,并在吸毒后开车,将租来的车撞向一辆公交车,自杀身亡;还撞伤了公交车上的其他 7 名乘客。
社会和家庭发展部 2020 年的一项研究发现,父母犯有毒品罪的儿童将来不幸触犯刑事司法制度的可能性是其他儿童的五倍。
例如,去年(2023 年)5 月,《防止网络虚假信息和网络操纵法案》(POFMA)针对 10 个社交媒体帖子和两篇在线文章发出指示,因为它们包含有关法院判处的死刑的虚假陈述。Transformative Justice Collective、The Online Citizen Asia、Andrew Loh、Kirsten Han 和 M Ravi 这五方继续发表虚假声明,声称一名PACP在记录陈述时被拒绝提供翻译。尽管法院明确表示正好相反,但这是对刑事司法系统的公然、虚假攻击。
其中一些积极分子曾帮助被定罪的贩毒者提出毫无根据的法律申请。申请通常是在最后一刻提交的,而那些帮助提交这些申请的人往往躲在PACP及其家人的背后。在一个案件中,有七份上诉后申请,都被法庭驳回,因为它们都没有法律依据。在实质性上诉被驳回后,又接连提出了 7 项没有依据的申请。在第七次上诉后申请中,通讯员的电子邮件地址 - kirstenhan@hey.com - 是由一名家庭成员提供给法庭的。
如果拥有名为 Kirsten Han 的电子邮件账户的人参与其中,她就是在帮助滥用程序。
伊斯坎达尔.本.拉赫马特(Iskandar bin Rahmat)就是这样一位 PACP。他不是一名毒贩,但他的申请在某种程度上说明了我的观点。他杀害了一对父子,残忍地谋杀。我想人们会记得他们是"高文双重谋杀案"--一名67 岁的父亲和 一名42 岁的儿子。事实上,其中一名受害者甚至被拖着沿着上实龙岗路走了将近一公里。他这么做是为了钱。2015 年 12 月 4 日,他被高庭判处死刑。七年前的 2017 年 2 月,他的上诉被上诉法院驳回。从那时起,他已经提出了九次申请。[请参阅 "内政部长的澄清",官方报告,2024 年 5 月 8 日,第 95 卷,第 136 期,书面声明更正部分内容。] 其中一些申请仍在进行中,我对法院正在审理的申请不作任何评论。那些已经处理过的案件都被驳回了。很明显,这些案件没有法律依据,而且滥用了诉讼程序。
因此,为了更好地处理这种情况,更好地处理死囚在临刑前最后一刻提出的无理申请,国会通过了一项法案,即《死刑案件上诉后申请法》,简称 PACC。该法案将在几周内很快生效。该法案旨在保障司法和法治。它引入了新的要求,以减少诉讼可能出现的延误。
例如,如果PACP已被上诉法院维持原判,那么他或她将被要求申请许可提出 PACC申请。根据简化后的程序,只有上诉法院可以审理该申请并批准暂缓执行。作为申请的一部分,当事人必须说明申请的理由以及没有及早提出申请的原因。
但是,即使在该法律生效之前,36 名PACP也曾于去年9月提出上诉后申请,质疑该法律的合宪性。该申请最近被上诉法院驳回。PACP没有资格提出这样的质疑,提出质疑的事实只能说明PACP滥用了法院的程序。
就在法院驳回上诉的一天之后,36 名PACP(其中 34 人是先前提出上诉后申请的相同当事方)提出了另一项上诉后申请,现在所依据的是其他事项。
在所有上诉和赦免途径都已用尽后,有大批 PACP 联合向法院提交申请,这已不是第一次。在过去几年中,至少有另外五份此类联合申请,每份申请涉及 10 多名 PACP。《死刑案件上诉后申请法》生效后将处理许多此类申请。
I will now move on to deal with attempts by some to undermine our approach. The evidence for our approach is compelling. People can see what is happening around the world, which is why I took some time to explain country by country some of the countries – first-world; South America; the US; this region.
Despite that, in recent years, there has been a small group of people who attempt to mislead the public with misinformation on drug traffickers and the death penalty. They seek to evoke sympathy by presenting an image of an unfair criminal justice system stacked against drug traffickers. They publish videos, pictures, stories from the traffickers' childhood, sharing interviews with family members. He has got a brother; he has got a sister; he has a child; he had a childhood. Poor guy. And portraying the trafficker as a victim of unfortunate circumstances. He did not have money and therefore, he trafficked in drugs.
But they leave out the facts of the cases. They leave out the accounting of the harms caused to the victims of the traffickers. They glorify the trafficker. They do not give any voice to the victims, the number of lives lost or wrecked by drugs; and the reason the traffickers were trafficking the drugs in the first place, which is to make money. The victims also have wives, sisters, children, parents. All of these people will also suffer.
If you face financial difficulties, if you need money, get a job. You do not have to traffic in drugs to make money.
Earlier, I recounted some stories of drug abuse overseas. We have seen shocking stories in Singapore too. Early last year, a man was convicted of committing incest with his 17-year-old daughter after sharing methamphetamine (meth) with her. She became reliant on him for sustaining her addiction and did not come forward with the truth for months.
In another case last year, a 31-year-old man: he had consumed various drugs, went on to drive under the influence of drugs, crashed his rental car into a public bus, killed himself; injured seven other passengers in the bus.
The next slide shows photos of a crime scene, where a man who was under the influence of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), brutally stabbed his own mother and punched his grandmother to death. Drug abuse is not victimless and all of these are caused by the drug traffickers, whom people glorify.
The next slide shows a heartbreaking case where a life was taken even before the victim had any voice of her own. The remains of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl. She was assaulted to death by her own father, who was a meth abuser. The man burnt the body and hid it in a pot to conceal his crime.
Several studies have shown that the harms of drugs are far-reaching into the next generation. A recent literature review by the KK Women's and Children's Hospital, found that drug abuse by pregnant women can cause serious harms to the foetus. Their babies could be born with congenital defects, such as respiratory distress syndrome or smaller brain matter. The newborns may also suffer from drug withdrawal, increased risk of disease and even infant death.
A 2020 study by the Ministry of Social and Family Development found that children whose parents had committed drug offences, were five times more likely than other children to unfortunately come into contact with the criminal justice system in the future.
But these facts and images are usually missing from the speeches, posts of those who campaign against the death penalty. Instead, there are baseless allegations, one-sided claims and half-truths. These baseless allegations are also made in relation to prisoners awaiting capital punishment – I will call them PACPs. They cast doubt on the process, the legal process. They cast doubt on the convictions and the sentences.
For instance, in May 2023 last year, Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, or POFMA, directions were issued against 10 social media posts and two online articles for containing false statements about a capital sentence meted out by the Courts. Five parties – Transformative Justice Collective, The Online Citizen Asia, Andrew Loh, Kirsten Han, M Ravi – continued to make false statements alleging that a PACP was denied an interpreter during the recording of his statement. This, despite the Court's clear statement to the contrary – a blatant, false attack on the criminal justice system.
Some of these activists have helped to file unmeritorious legal applications on behalf of convicted drug traffickers. Applications are often filed at the last minute and those who help with these applications often hide behind the PACPs and their families. In one case, there were seven post-appeal applications, all dismissed by the Courts because they were all without merit. Seven, one after the other, no basis, after the substantive appeal was dismissed. In the seventh post-appeal application, the correspondent's email address – kirstenhan@hey.com – was provided by a family member to the Court.
This obviously does not belong to the family, but to perhaps an anti-death penalty activist. The Court dismissed that application, said it was a blatant and ill-disguised application to disrupt the carrying out of the sentence. In other words, a clear abuse of the process.
The person, with the email account by the name of Kirsten Han, if she was involved, was helping in the abuse of process.
Based on what the Court said, you can see what the persons who were assisting in the applications were trying to do.
As a result of many such applications today, we have PACPs whose sentences have not been carried out, despite their cases being decided more than a decade ago.
One such PACP is Iskandar bin Rahmat. He is not a drug trafficker, but his applications are somewhat illustrative of the point I am making. He killed a father and son – brutal murders. I think people remember them as the “Kovan double murder case” – a 67-year-old father and a 42-year-old son. In fact, one of the victims was even dragged almost one kilometre along Upper Serangoon Road. And he did it for money. He was sentenced to capital punishment on 4 December 2015 by the High Court. His appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal in February 2017, seven years ago. Since then, he has filed nine applications. [Please refer to "Clarification by Minister for Home Affairs", Official Report, 08 May 2024, Vol 95, Issue 136, Correction By Written Statement section.] Some of them are still ongoing and I make no comment whatsoever about those which are currently before the Courts. Those that have been dealt with, have all been dismissed. And quite clearly, unmeritorious and an abuse of process.
So, to deal better with this situation, to deal better with unmeritorious applications being filed at the very last minute before capital punishment is carried out, this House passed an Act, the Post-appeal Applications in Capital Cases Act, or PACC. That Act will come into force very soon, within a few weeks. The Act will seek to safeguard the administration of justice and the rule of law. It introduces new requirements to reduce potential delays to proceedings.
For example, if the PACP had already had his or her sentence upheld by the Court of Appeal, then he or she will be required to apply for permission to make a PACC application. There will be a streamlined procedure under which only the Court of Appeal may hear PACC applications and grant a stay of execution. As part of the application, the person will be required to state the grounds of the application and the reasons for not filing the application earlier.
But even before the law has come into force, a post-appeal application was filed by 36 PACPs in September last year to challenge the constitutionality of that law. The application was dismissed by the Court of Appeal recently. The Court of Appeal said the PACPs had no standing to bring such a challenge and the fact that such a challenge has been brought at all, spoke only to the PACPs' abuse of the process of the Courts.
Just one day after the appeal was dismissed by the Courts, 36 PACPs, of whom 34 were the same parties involved in earlier post-appeal applications, filed another post-appeal application, relying now on some other matter. I make no comment on the merits of those current applications. My comments about unmeritorious applications, abuse of process, all other similar comments, apply only to applications which have been determined by the Courts and dismissed. And I rely on what the Courts themselves have said.
This is not the first time that large groups of PACPs have jointly filed applications to the Court, after all avenues of appeal and clemency have been exhausted. In the past few years, there were at least five other such jointly filed applications, each involving more than 10 PACPs. The PACC Act, when it comes into force, will deal with many such applications.
We are now considering, what else needs to be done to make sure that this new legislation can be properly supported. We will come back to the House, if necessary. And I wish to make it clear to Members and Singaporeans: be assured, we will take all necessary steps to ensure that this sort of abuse of process is dealt with.