英语阅读能力是英语学习者语言水平的体现。阅读对于学习者具有重要的作用,不仅能培养学生英语语感,还能促进词汇积累,提高写作水平。对培养学习者的英语综合能力大有帮助,同时也是学好英语的主要手段和有效途径。今后 给大家安排了每天500字的小说阅读,期待大家加入,一起读英文原创小说。

每天500字阅读(朗读更棒),每个月就是1万5千字,每年的阅读量就可以达到高达18万, 这是一个很了不起的阅读量。同时,我们把词汇提取出来,真实语境,更有利于习得词汇,一起读起来。

The Keeper stepped aside, revealing the largest stone glowing more brightly than the others. “Step forward if you wish to receive the circle’s wisdom,” he said. “But know this—understanding these principles will not be easy. It will require effort, courage, and an open heart.”

Oliver looked at Emily, who nodded. Together, they approached the glowing stone. As they stood before it, the whispers grew louder, surrounding them like a gentle breeze. Suddenly, they felt a rush of warmth, as though the circle itself was welcoming them.

The Keeper raised his staff, and the whispers transformed into clear voices, each one reciting a story of courage, kindness, or honesty from ages past. Oliver and Emily listened, their minds filling with images of ancient heroes, compassionate leaders, and wise elders. Each story seemed to leave a mark on their hearts, as if planting seeds of inspiration.

When the voices faded, the Keeper spoke again. “You have begun your journey. Carry these lessons with you, and use them to make the world better. The circle will always be here, waiting for those who seek its truths.”

The light dimmed, and the clearing returned to its quiet state. The Keeper disappeared, leaving Oliver and Emily standing in awe. As they walked back to the village, they knew their adventure had changed them forever. They felt a newfound sense of purpose, ready to share the wisdom they had gained.

Key Words:

  1. effort - 努力

  2. open heart - 开放的心灵

  3. breeze - 微风

  4. warmth - 温暖

  5. compassionate - 富有同情心的

  6. elder - 长者

  7. inspiration - 灵感

  8. journey - 旅程

  9. purpose - 目标

  10. awe - 敬畏









Book 1

  • Book 2

  • Book 3

  • Book 4

  • Book 5

  • Book 6

  • Book 7

  • Book 8

  • Book 9

  • Book 10

  • Book 11

  • Book 12

  • Book 13

  • Book 14

  • Book 15