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情绪管理十二讲巴黎雷欧(YouZHi Ren)著

原书名:Paris gold Key(巴黎金钥匙)

Léo Paris 巴黎雷欧





第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?










Key to success with ease

When thinking about success, we tend to focus on hard work, persistence, courage, discipline, etc. All in all, those are admirable character traits, but none of them appear pleasant right away, let’s be honest.

Is there anything or any technique that could turn this painstaking procedure into a more fluid and more enjoyable journey? The answer is of course yes. The first key that helped me to change greatly my attitude, is the mentality of optimization.

With few exception, we almost always draw some level of satisfaction from the sense of personal grandeur. That is to say, we feel good after we have succeeded one deed. We feel boosted when people around us show their approval and admiration to what we’ve achieved. The danger however, for this natural mental pattern is that we tend to spend a lot of time in negative mood. The reason is simple, as glorifying moments are by nature rare in life.

Thus, when launching a project, going all in to bet on the final glorifying moment is just a recipe to fast quit. To overcome this obstacle, we need a solid strategy. You could of course go with the philosophy that all “suffering” is necessary. So, the more you suffer, the more you deserve a success down the road. But this method can only work so much before you reach a total mental break down due to its sadistic nature. Or, you could choose the popular urban escape: find something you are truly passionate about, and then turn it into your life’s project.

But honestly, this one is not so much more than a child’s dream neither. To begin with, not a lot of people who are positively sure about what they are passionate about. Many people, me included, feel quite dry when asked about their passions. Secondly, being passionate about something does NOT necessarily make the person talented for it. Me as an excellent example: I loved so much playing video games during my younger years, it was a passion/obsession for me for at least 10 years.

But the sad thing is, I was absolutely horrible at almost all the games that I played, bummer. Thus, there’s a saying that many of us should meditate over: don’t mistake your impulse to do something for your talent for it.

So for many of us, the journey consists of at least 2 things, try something to see if it works, and at the same time, to see if we like it. The key of the mentality of optimization is applicable for exact this scenario. During the process of evaluating if something works and if we like it, we could go through stages where our mood and motivation are vulnerable, and we are prone to demotivation.

What we should do is simple: focus on the concrete tasks we do every day in our projects, and take our time to analyze the process, and try to optimize it each day. This would enable us to remove our minds from obsessively comparing the final result that we want and the current disappointing status-quo. Most importantly, this strategy enables us to draw a sense of satisfaction over each small improvement we apply to our work every now and then.

In conclusion, statistically speaking, constant small optimizations of all that we do in life will have a huge positive impact in the long run and quite often brings changes immediately as well. So, this mentality is first of all an ease on the mental strain during the process of fighting our way to success. Secondly, it would objectively make us better drastically at what we perform over time.

情绪管理十二讲LéoParis –巴黎雷欧 目录














Paris gold Key巴黎金钥匙

Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to successwith efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful

巴黎雷欧:GLC(Galerie Leo et Co)创始人,著有《国际谈判哲学》(法文版)《国际谈判实务》(华文版,多家考研机构参考书)《跨国公司内部谈判效益论析》(法文版)《法国现代书画艺术评论》(英文版3 卷)《远东文化艺术》(法文&华文)《情绪管理十二讲》(英文版&华文版)和《雷欧带你认识法国》(英文版)《雷欧带你认识巴黎》(英文版)等书籍(学习微:LeorenFR)。

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