The Fujian Tulou is a unique architectural form in southern China, known as a "treasure of traditional Chinese dwellings" and an important cultural heritage and tourist attraction in Fujian Province. The Fujian Tulou originated during the Song and Yuan dynasties, matured during the late Ming, Qing, and Republic of China periods, and continues to exist to this day. Among them, the Yongding Tulou was inscribed on the World Heritage Listin 2008, recognized as a one-of-a-kind architectural marvel in the world.
The Fujian Tulou is a collective dwelling constructed with earth walls, often shaped in circles, semicircles, or other distinctive forms. These structures harmoniously follow the contours of the terrain, incorporating the traditional Chinese architectural concept of "feng shui" and meeting the lifestyle and defense needs of clan-based communities.
The name "Four Dishes and One Soup" for the Tianluokeng Tulou cluster comes from its unique layout and shape. Viewed from above, the cluster comprises five tulou: the central Buyun Lou surrounded by four others in square, circular, and elliptical shapes. Together, they resemble a delightful meal of "Four Dishes and One Soup." When residents cook, smoke rises from the center, evoking the image of steaming hot dishes.