


We’ve been talking about a wedding you went to, your sister’s, and now I’d like to ask you some more general questions related to this. Let’s look first at marriage…Do you think there’s an ideal age to get married? (我们已经讨论了你参加过的一个婚礼,是你姐姐的。现在我想再问一些关于这方面的问题。首先我们来讨论一下婚姻……你认为结婚有没有一个理想的年龄?)


Well, I think when you get married it’s a very important day… for you and your husband and also your family. In China the woman usually wears red, you know, and there are a lot of customs that Chinese people respect at a wedding.

考官点评:在语法方面,这个考生的回答没有什么大问题,也用了一些好词,如wear, customs 和respect。考生的语言相当流利,但没有回答考官提出的问题,因此在连贯性上会失分。


Let’s talk a little about responsibilities inside a marriage. Do you think men and women should share responsibilities equally inside a marriage? (我们来讨论一下婚姻双方的责任吧。你认为男人和女人在婚后应承担同样的责任吗?)


Yes, definitely. I think both people should be responsible because otherwise how can their love last forever? That’s the question for them. I think they have to love each other truly and make… err… make compromises. I think that is being responsible.

考官点评:考生虽然以“Yes, definitely.”开始回答这个问题,但随后的回答更多是关于婚后的爱情而非双方的责任。这一次又没有直接回答问题。


Yes but, for example, should they both be responsible for raising the children? Should they share household tasks? What do you think about that? (是的,但举例来说,他们都有责任抚养儿女吗?他们应该分担家务吗?你是怎么看的?)


You know, in China, men don’t like to do housework and things like that. But I think nowadays they must change because the world has changed. You know in China everything is changing very fast, the economy, everything in the society. And so people have to be responsible both. But in China a woman will mainly look after the child because that is her role.

考官点评:考官开始以“Yes, but…”的表达来表示他或她对考生的回答不满意。随后举例时提到抚养子女及承担家务是为了鼓励考生回答得更具体一点。And so people have to be responsible both 应改为Everyone has to be responsible,society 前不必加the。

考官:What about if the woman has a job? Can she share the responsibility for raising the child with her husband? (如果妻子有工作呢?她还能与丈夫分担养育孩子的责任吗?)


The grandparents, they can help a lot. You know, nowadays women have to work because the price of the living is so high now. Maybe you noticed that too, right? To buy an apartment or for the education, or just for the living. So a woman has to have a job, and so it’s not easy to balance the life and the marriage with her husband. Because her husband wants her to be beautiful, and then she have to go on business trip, like my sister, and so she is not always to look after the child, so most couples will have to ask their parents or their ayi to do that.

考官点评:这个回答有所改进,但仍然不太切题。语法方面把握得不太好,如education, living, life 和marriage 前面不必加the。price 应改为cost;have to go on business trip 应改为has to go on business trips;always 后面应加able。


Yes, I think that both parents should share the responsibility for raising the child. Maybe the mother will do more, because it is in her nature to do so, but the father’s input and presence is crucial too. And this is even more the case if the woman is working. The couple need to work out some arrangement so that they can both work and develop their careers while still spending time with their child and helping their child to grow and develop.





考官:Thank you very much. That is the end of the Speaking Test. (非常感谢。口语考试到此结束。)

考官总评:考官给这位考生的词汇、语法和发音打了6 分,但在流畅度和连贯性方面只打了5 分。考生的语言流畅度还可以,但连贯性欠佳。

(以上内容节选自《 雅思考官教你征服雅思口语 》一书,由外语教学与研究出版社出版)