你知道Pick Up有多少种用法么?现在华尔街英语外教来详细解析它。

How to use the phrase “pick up”?

Have you picked up a copy of Yangtze Evening post? You probably have since you are reading this. “Pick up” is quite a common phrase in the English language. Here are some examples from my life in China.

Pick up (something) :Everyday my dog plays with his dog toys and then leaves them all over the floor. So before I go to bed, I’ll pick up the toys and tidy the floor.

Pick up (somebody from someplace) : Last week, my friend from USAcame to visit me inChina. So I had to pick him up at the airport.

Pick up a (date) :Last week, while I was taking the subway I saw a beautiful girl and it was love at first sight. I talked to her and asked her for her number. In the end, I didn’t get it. But Hey! At least I tried to pick up her!

(作者:华尔街英语外教Allen Mak)

Pick up妙用

你手上拿着一份扬子晚报了吗?当你在阅读本栏的同时就已经开始做这个动作了吧。“pick up”是一个英语里常用的短语。以下是一些使用到该短语的例句,他们来自我在中国的生活。

Pick up (something) :我的狗每天都和它的宠物玩具玩耍,然后把他们弄得到处都是。因此在我睡觉之前,我要收拾那些玩具并且清洁地板。

Pick up (somebody from someplace):上礼拜,我朋友从美国来中国拜访我。因此我不得不去机场接他。

Pick up a (date) :上周,在我乘坐地铁的时候,我看到一个漂亮的女孩,让我一见倾心。我去跟她搭话并且要她的电话号码。最后我还是没要到。但我至少尝试跟她搭讪了!
