网易教育讯 混合教学法比拼传统教学法,你更喜欢哪种教学法?且看华尔街英语外教详细解说两种教学法。

Blended Learning vs. Traditional Learning Method

What is always changing? Answer: It is “change” itself. Teaching andlearning methods have also been changing throughout history.

Traditional learning method focuses on knowledge flowing downwards fromteacher to student, master to pupil, or trainer to trainee.

Blended learning is about learning from your surroundings. It means thatyou can learn from your teacher, your peers, your computer, and etc. It is alsoabout constantly learning and applying what you have learned in yoursurroundings.

Which style of learning do you prefer? It is a good question, and only youhave the answer to that.

(作者:华尔街英语外教Allen Mak)





