The footage and accompanying screenshots shared to microblogging platform Weibo on Tuesday morning, which show the singer also known as Roy Wang smoking a cigarette, quickly inspired a hashtag translating to “Wang Yuan smoking,” which had over 1 billion views by that evening.
Hashtag原本指“井号(#)”,在社交媒体平台多用来标注某个话题,也称为“话题标签”。微博上常见的一些跟话题相关的功能有:热搜榜(most searched hashtags)、热门话题榜(most popular hashtags)等。
如果要表达“某个话题在微博上疯传”就可以用很经典的句式the hashtag went viral on Weibo来表示。
Wang issued an apology on his Weibo account, saying he had set a “bad example” and would accept any punishment handed down to him for the incident.
He apologized for the potential negative influence from his misbehavior, promising better behavior in the future.
The Beijing Center of Health Supervision warned punishment would follow if they can confirm these violations, adding the matter has been under investigation in a post released on its official Sina Weibo account.
执法人员现场检查发现,餐厅没有禁止吸烟的标识(they can't find any "no smoking" sign at the restaurant),也没有相应的禁止吸烟管理制度,违反了相关要求。朝阳区卫监所责令该餐厅限期改正(order correction within a specified time limit),整改期间如果仍有问题,将依法进行处理。
公共场所、工作场所的室内区域以及公共交通工具(indoor public places, workplaces and public transport facilities);
幼儿园、中小学校、少年宫、儿童福利机构等以未成年人为主要活动人群的场所(places where minors frequently visit);
对社会开放的文物保护单位(cultural relic protection units open to the public);
体育场、健身场的比赛区和坐席区(competition area and audience area of stadiums and gymnasiums);
妇幼保健机构、儿童医院的室外区域(outdoor areas at maternal and child care institutes and children's hospitals)。
条例规定,个人违反本条例规定,在禁止吸烟场所或者排队等候队伍中吸烟的,由市或者区、县卫生计生行政部门责令改正,可以处50元罚款;拒不改正的,处200元罚款(individuals who smoke at smoke-free areas will be fined 50 yuan, and the fine rises to 200 yuan if the violators refuse to correct their behavior)。
被动吸烟passive smoking
二手烟 second-hand smoke
禁烟令 smoking ban
烟民 smokers
戒烟 quit smoking
水烟 water pipes
老烟枪 chain smokers
电子烟 electronic cigarette/ e-cigarette