网易娱乐1月31日报道 2012年英国NME音乐奖(NME Music Magazine Awards)于美国时间周一晚揭晓,英国摇滚乐队北极猴子(Arctic Monkeys)以7项提名领跑。前绿洲乐队(Oasis)吉他手诺尔•加拉格(Noel Gallagher)与英国独立音乐界红人Florence+the Machine、Lana Del Rey 、缪斯 (Muse)乐队以四项提名和三项提名紧随其后。

今年竞争激烈的最佳英国乐队提名名单上,北极猴子乐队将与英国摇滚乐队卡萨比安 (Kasabian)、孟买脚踏车俱乐部(Bombay Bicycle Club)、战栗乐队(The Horrors)以及缪斯乐队一较高下。滑稽的是,诺尔•加拉格将与喷火战斗机的主唱戴夫•格罗尔(Dave Grohl)以及缪斯 (Muse)乐队主唱马特•贝拉米 (Matt Bellamy) 等人角逐年度恶棍奖项。

在其他奖项的提名方面,英国著名乐队酷玩(Coldplay)入围年度最差劲乐队和年度最差专辑两项提名,美国黑暗摇滚天团伊凡塞斯(Evanescence)主唱Amy Lee则与弗洛伦斯•韦尔奇 (Florence Welch)、Paramore主唱海莉•威廉姆斯 (Hayley Williams)、凯蒂•佩里(Katy Perry)以及Marina Diamandis角逐最受欢迎女艺人。而英国灵歌天后阿黛尔(Adele)今年仅仅入围最佳歌手奖项提名。

英国NME音乐奖是英国音乐杂志《NME》所主办的同名颁奖礼,不仅是英国当地每年最受注目、最具认受性之其中一项乐坛活动之一,它还跟美国格莱美奖有点相似,均由主办单位较偏爱本地人士,外来者往往难以抬头。而今年颁奖礼将于英国时间2月29日在伦敦O2 Academy Brixton场馆举行。(编译/may)



最佳英国乐队(Best British band)

Arctic Monkeys

Bombay Bicycle Club

The Horrors



最佳国际乐队(Best international band)

Arcade Fire

Foo Fighters


Odd Future

The Strokes

最佳歌手(Best solo artist)


Florence + the Machine

Frank Turner

Laura Marling

Miles Kane

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

最佳新晋乐队(Best new band)

Foster The People

Lana Del Rey


The Vaccines

Wu Lyf

最佳现场演出乐队(Best live band)

Arctic Monkeys




Two Door Cinema Club

最佳专辑(Best album)

Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See

The Horrors - Skying

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?

最佳单曲(Best track)

Arctic Monkeys - 'The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala'

Bombay Bicycle Club - 'Shuffle'

Florence + the Machine - 'Shake It Out'

Hurts - 'Sunday'

Lana Del Rey - 'Video Games'

最佳音乐录影带(Best Video)

Arctic Monkeys - 'Suck It And See'

Beyonce - 'Countdown'

Hurts - 'Sunday'

Lana Del Rey - 'Video Games'

Tyler, The Creator - 'Yonkers'

最佳音乐节(Best Festival)



Reading & Leeds

T In The Park

V Festival

最佳电视节目(Best TV Show)

Doctor Who

Fresh Meat


Never Mind The Buzzcocks

This Is England '88

最佳电影(Best Film)

Black Swan


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

The Inbetweeners Movie


最佳舞曲(Best Dancefloor Filler)

Back And Forth - Foo Fighters

Living In The Material World - George Harrison

Talihina Sky - Kings Of Leon

There Are No Innocent Bystanders - The Libertines

Upside Down - The Creation Records Story'

最期待年度音乐事件(Greatest Music Moment Of The Year)

Brian May joins My Chemical Romance onstage at Reading Festival

Kasabian see in 2012 with their epic London O2 Arena show

Noel Gallagher launches his solo career with press conference

Pulp steal the show at Glastonbury with secret set

The Stone Roses reunite

最佳再版专辑(Best Re-issue)

Manic Street Preachers - National Treasures

Nirvana - Nevermind

Primal Scream - Screamadelica

The Rolling Stones - Some Girls

The Smiths - Complete Re-issues

最佳书本(Best Book)

Jared Leto - Notes From The Outernet

Jarvis Cocker - Mother, Brother, Lover: Selected Lyrics

Malcolm X - A Life Of Reinvention

Noel Fielding - The Scribblings Of A Madcap Shambleton

Shaun Ryder - Twisting My Melon

年度英雄(Hero Of The Year)

Alex Turner

Dave Grohl

Matt Bellamy

Noel Fielding

Noel Gallagher

年度恶棍(Villain Of The Year)

David Cameron

Justin Bieber

Lady GaGa

Liam Gallagher

Nick Clegg

最差专辑(Worst Album)

Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto

Justin Bieber - Under The Mistletoe

Lady GaGa - Born This Way

One Direction - Up All Night

Viva Brother - Famous First Words

最差组合(Worst Band)

Beady Eye



One Direction

Viva Brother

最佳唱片封套设计(Best Album Artwork)

Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See

Bombay Bicycle Club - A Different Kind Of Fix

Bjork - Biophilia

Friendly Fires - Pala

Jay-Z and Kanye West - Watch The Throne

最佳乐队博客/ Twitter (Best Band Blog or Twitter)






最忠心乐迷奖(Most Dedicated Fans)

30 Seconds To Mars

Arctic Monkeys



My Chemical Romance

最佳小型音乐节Best Small Festival (能容纳50,000人或以下)

Field Day

Hop Farm

Kendal Calling



最受欢迎男艺人(Hottest Woman)

Andy Biersack (Black Veil Brides)

Dominic Howard (Muse)

Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)

Jared Leto (30 Seconds To Mars)

Matt Bellamy (Muse)

最受欢迎女艺人(Hottest Woman)

Amy Lee (Evanescence)

Florence Welch (Florence + the Machine)

Hayley Williams (Paramore)

Katy Perry

Marina Diamandis (Marina And The Diamonds)