网易音乐独家报道 (文/梁晓辉)被中国歌迷亲切称为“蹲妹”的Carly Rae Jepsen,一直以甜美的流行公主形象示人,然而她却不想一直重复自己。新歌MV她与奥斯卡影帝汤姆汉克斯合作成为大热门,新专辑有什么变化?走红背后她有多少不为人知的秘密?《超级面对面》第90期独家对话Carly Rae Jepsen。
三年前,在并不那么容易传唱外国歌曲的中国内地,一首朗朗上口的《Call Me Maybe》少见地成为了走街串巷的“神曲”,每个年轻人都可以哼上一段副歌旋律,也让卡莉·蕾·吉普森(Carly Rae Jepsen)这个从“加拿大偶像”比赛中走出来的女歌手,迅速成为中国歌迷的“熟客”,并因为单曲封面蹲着的姿势,她获得了“蹲妹”这个既接地气、又有特色的称号。
网易音乐:Do youknow, you have a nickname in China called the “Squat Sister”? How do you likeit?
Carly Rae Jepsen: No, I didn’t know that.
网易音乐:That’s because of the cover of ‘Call Me Maybe’.
那是因为“CallMe Maybe”这首单曲的封面。
Carly Rae Jepsen: I’m doing the Squat? That’s amazing, ‘Squat Sister’. I hope thatsticks.
网易音乐: Howdo you like that name?
Carly Rae Jepsen: It makes me laugh. That’s for sure.
网易音乐:Willyou continue the sweet girlish style of music forever?
Carly Rae Jepsen: I don't think I ever put to much attention I thought into pretreatmyself as one way or another. I’m just so easy trying to be as much aspossible. And I even think in the second verses of “Call Me Maybe” exposed evenmore desire just figuring ethnic of myself. I think sometimes in the world ofpop, people have a desire of put you into “You’re Princess Candy” ”You’reRihanna” “You’re this”. And I have no desire to label myself from one to theothers. In fact, I’m just an artist want to be a artist whoever I wanted to perceiveI perceived.
我觉得我并没有放太多注意力在把自己定位于某一种模式。我就是很简单地想成为我所能够的更多。我甚至觉得在“Call Me Maybe”的第二段中我展现的更多是对于我自己的种族思考。我觉得一些时候在流行音乐世界中,人们倾向于定义你为“甜蜜公主”“蕾哈娜”“你是这样”。但是我一点也不想给自己贴上任何一种标签。事实上,我只是一个希望成为歌手,保持自己所保持的,一个歌手。
走红后的“蹲妹”继续保持流行攻势,带着一首无论节奏还是旋律都不输前作的新歌《I Really Like You》卷土重来。不仅如此,MV中她还找来了奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演,并“指导”影帝跳舞。而这次奇妙的跨界合作,来自一场别开生面的婚礼。
网易音乐:Talkingabout your new single “I really like you”, many of your fans are excited andsurprised to see that, the Oscar winner Tom Hanks are in the Video, how did ithappen? Is that your idea?
关于你的新单曲“Ireally like you”,许多你的粉丝对于奥斯卡最佳男主角汤姆汉克斯出现在MV中非常激动与惊喜,这是怎么促成的?是你的主意么?
Carly Rae Jepsen: It’s a really strange story actually. I met him at my managerScooter’s friend’s wedding, coz they’re friends. I kind of jumped on him byaccident. I thought he was trying to… Ok, I have to tell you the whole story.Basically, there was a bunch of wedding tents at this event. And there was ahummingbird that was caught inside of one of these tents. A crowd was formingto free this bird from the tents, and I saw a man walk towards, the chaos, withboomerangs in his hand. I thought he was gonna swat the bird. But, I think infact he was gonna open the flap of the tent to let the bird escape. Anyway Iran over there and jumped on him and I said ‘don’t hurt the bird’. And then heturned around. That was Tom Hanks. So that’s how we introduced, really awkward.Then about 2 months later, when we were dreaming about video concepts, theideas for ‘I Really Like You’, I come up with the decision, the desire that hassomething wasn’t so sweet, because the song was sweet. I wanted something thatwas funny. And I expected it a little dry. So I ran to my manager I dreamedabout this idea that we would have male lead lip-sync entire things inside ofme. And he was telling this concept to Tom Hanks over dinner and I guess Tomwas like ‘why don’t you just ask me? I’d love to do it’. And that was end ofit.
网易音乐:Howdoes it feel when you really work with him in that video? I saw some clips thatyou teach him how to dance.
Carly Rae Jepsen: I don’t know if you can say I teach him how to dance. Coz neitherone of us could dancing, but it was really cool at the moment. So we’retogether in the music video. Coz it was just hard to take in or believe that hewas doing it. That was really strange. This Oscar award winner actor was sortof singing the lyrics of my song. So I kept on getting in trouble that day fromthe video director being like ‘Carly, great shot, but this time can you stop?Just like a gay being in Tom Hanks. Like you need to have some shots you had inthat face to the camera’. ‘Ok’. Then we did it again. I was just being danceand looking at him all the time. Coz we were just hard to take in.
网易音乐:JustinBieber helped you promoting this song like he did last time, how do you like his version?
Justin Bieber帮助你修改了这首歌,就像他之前帮你修改《CallMe Maybe》一样,你觉得他的帮助怎么样?
Carly Rae Jepsen: I love it. It’s always fun to see anyone can remix on some youwork done, but I actually feel like a old woman when I watch it, because Iwatch all these celeberties and ‘who is that? Oh, that’s Kendall ok’. My sistersat next to me and pointing out ‘oh, that’s this person’. I was like ‘Irecognized David Forster’. It was very excited. And I think it’s undeniablethat Justin has a huge following in it. It’s just so helpful when he kind ofshines any attention on the project you’re doing.
我非常喜欢。有人能演绎你的作品这是非常有趣的。但是其实我觉得自己很out,当我看它的时候,因为我看到很多名人(都不认识),然后问“这是谁?哇,这是Kendall。”我妹妹坐在我旁边就一直“哇,这是那谁。”我就“我认出了David Forster。”真的非常激动。我认为不可否认得Justin带来了很大的效应。他为我的作品带来了很多关注,这真的帮助很大。
网易音乐:How doyou guys know about each other? We all know he gave you the contract.
Carly Rae Jepsen:Yes.
网易音乐:So what’s the story?
Carly Rae Jepsen: The story goes… I was actually doing my own project in Canada … Iwas looking for hoping ways to break out the rest of the world, but I had no real idea about how that works or how thathappens. So I was contentedly just making a living in career as a musiciansolely in Canada. Luckily, I had some radio play and ‘Call Me Maybe’ wasactually getting some radio play at that time. And Justin happened to come toCanada and heard it when he was visiting his grandparents for Christmas orsomething like that. And apparently he heard the song and just twitted that heliked it. And he was kind of headed for his fames, so that just sort of createdthe snow ball effect and then different labels and different are countriesreaching out and expressing interests about my project. Because of course hehas been the one to initiate all the succssment to. I felt only fit in then Iset with him and his manager Scooter Braun. It’s a decision that I don’tregret. They really changed my life for better.
我在寻找机会让全球其他地区也能够听到我的作品,但是我没有可行的关于这该如何运转或发生的想法。所以我只是安心地独自在加拿大做音乐为生。幸运的是,我的歌“Call Me Maybe”当时正在电台轮番播放。Justin圣诞节回加拿大拜访他的祖父母正好在电台上听到了。他听到了这首歌,然后发推特说他很喜欢。靠着他的名气,造成了一股雪球效应,不同的厂牌和国家都听到并且对我的歌产生了很大的兴趣。因为当然他是第一个推广我歌的人,只有和他合作我才觉得是合适的,于是我和他还有他的经理Scooter Braun签订了合约。我从来没有后悔过这个决定。他们真的很棒地改变了我的生活。
网易音乐: Itseems there’s a tuning point of your music style, since you sign the contract.You know, before “Call Me Maybe”, your first record “Tug of War” is sweet butmore like a indie record, however now “Call Me Maybe ”and “I Really Like You”are all smash hits, so what make the change.
自从你签订了合约之后,好像你的音乐风格转变了很多。在“CallMe Maybe”之前,你的第一张专辑“Tug ofWar”也很甜,但是可能更像一张独立专辑。现在的“CallMe Maybe”和“I ReallyLike you”都是出色的热门曲,所以是什么改变了你?
Carly Rae Jepsen: I think it’s natural for every artist kind of involving changingtheir goal. I think my taste was just naturally heading in that direction. I’vebeen writing solely on the acoustic guitar, coz the only instrument that I knewhad barely play. It was my first time to do songwriting with ”Tug of War” . soeverything was very journal entry. There was no real song structure or rule inmy head,it was very innocentwriting when I listen back to that album I’m kind of have love for it becauseit was so untouched and innocent when I started songwriting. When I startedwriting the rest of the album for “Call Me Maybe” and “The Kiss”, I had learneda lot more about the pop world, I was excited to take on the challenge ofwriting a pop song, because I do think it is probably for me at least, a lotmore difficult a lot more challenging to write in the pop world, and I do itwell. It excited me that challenge. Also my taste changed. La Roux, Kimbra andsome other artists that we are still in indie nature but had a lot of popinfluence.
With this next album“Emotion”, I think I’ve even taken a new direction once again, while it’s alittle bit more idiots pop again I think and at the same time there would besome songs go a little bit more indie nature/alternative, a little bit of areasI couldn’t gone, right? That’s been very excited to do.
我觉得每个艺术家都会涉及改变,这是很自然的。我想我的品位就是自然地朝着那个方向走。我以前一直是独自用原声吉他写歌,因为我只会这一种乐器。“Tug of War”是我第一次写歌,所以所有的都是崭新的。在我脑海里是没有歌曲结构和规则的,只是很单纯地写歌从我一开始写歌的时候。当我开始为“Call Me Maybe”和专辑“The Kiss”写其他歌的时候,我学到了关于流行音乐世界更多的东西,并且我做得不错。这个挑战让我觉得很刺激。同时我的品位也改变了。像La Roux,Kimbra还有一些其他的艺术家,我们一直都在独立环境中,但是也受到了很多流行影响。
网易音乐:That’s a bunch of music elements.
Carly Rae Jepsen: Yes I think so. I hope that I’m always change, every album thatI’m kind of can re-inventing of what excites me and re-inventing sort of what Iwant to go musicly.
完整采访实录:(N-Netease music C:Carly Rae Jepsen)
N: Hi Carly, is this your first triphere?
C: Is this my first trip to Beijing?Yes, it is. I thought you were gonna say is it my first trip to China.
N: Is this first time to China?
C: No, it’s not. I was here once before.
N: When was the last time?
C: Two years ago.
N: It’s quite a long time.
C: Yeah, it’s been too long.
N: Just went visiting or had a concert?
C: I was here for a work show, actually.
N. Do you know, you have a nickname inChina called the “Squat Sister”? How do you like it?
C: No, I didn’t know that.
N: That’s because of the cover of ‘CallMe Maybe’.
那是因为“CallMe Maybe”这首单曲的封面。
C: I’m doing the Squat? That’samazing, ‘Squat Sister’. I hope that sticks.
N: How do you like that name?
C: It makes me laugh. That’sfor sure.
N: Do you know Justin Bieber always has nicknameshere?
C: Oh, no, what’s that?
N: His name is ‘B Bao’. It sounds likeBieber. Actually it means ‘Belieber, but in China it means ‘Baby B’.
C: Oh, that’s so Q. I like that.
N. Talking about your new single “Ireally like you”, many of your fans are excited and surprised to see that, theOscar winner Tom Hanks are in the Video, how did it happen? Is that your idea?
关于你的新单曲“Ireally like you”,许多你的粉丝对于奥斯卡最佳男主角汤姆汉克斯出现在MV中非常激动与惊喜,这是怎么促成的?是你的主意么?
C:It’s a really strange story actually. I met him at my manager Scooter’sfriend’s wedding, coz they’re friends. I kind of jumped on him by accident. Ithought he was trying to… Ok, I have to tell you the whole story. Basically,there was a bunch of wedding tents at this event. And there was a hummingbirdthat was caught inside of one of these tents. A crowd was forming to free thisbird from the tents, and I saw a man walk towards, the chaos, with boomerangsin his hand. I thought he was gonna swat the bird. But, I think in fact he wasgonna open the flap of the tent to let the bird escape. Anyway I ran over thereand jumped on him and I said ‘don’t hurt the bird’. And then he turned around.That was Tom Hanks. So that’s how we introduced, really awkward. Then about 2months later, when we were dreaming about video concepts, the ideas for ‘IReally Like You’, I come up with the decision, the desire that has somethingwasn’t so sweet, because the song was sweet. I wanted something that was funny.And I expected it a little dry. So I ran to my manager I dreamed about thisidea that we would have male lead lip-sync entire things inside of me. And hewas telling this concept to Tom Hanks over dinner and I guess Tom was like ‘whydon’t you just ask me? I’d love to do it’. And that was end of it.
N: That was cool. So this is actuallyyour idea?
C: Yeah, the actual concept does came tobe a lot with the director Peter as well. I think the beginning I had anintention that we would be in an elevator together while the whole songhappens, but I like the whole turned better. The sort of him walking to his dayand waking up and brushing his teeth. This a little bit more adorable.
N: What do you want to express this songby Tom Hanks?
C: I think I just like the sort of howodd it was and sort of how funny it was. I think I allow the song to kind ofhave self-aware and sort of silliness to it.
N. How does it feel when you really workwith him in that video? I saw some clips that you teach him how to dance.
C: I don’t know if you can sayI teach him how to dance. Coz neither one of us could dancing, but it wasreally cool at the moment. So we’re together in the music video. Coz it wasjust hard to take in or believe that he was doing it. That was really strange.This Oscar award winner actor was sort of singing the lyrics of my song. So Ikept on getting in trouble that day from the video director being like ‘Carly,great shot, but this time can you stop? Just like a gay being in Tom Hanks.Like you need to have some shots you had in that face to the camera’. ‘Ok’.Then we did it again. I was just being dance and looking at him all the time.Coz we were just hard to take in.
N: And the emojis in the video is alsovery fantastic, is that your idea?
C: No, I wish I could take credit forthat. I actually didn’t notice them for one of the emojis until one of mygirlfriends pointed that when I was showing her the first cut of the video. Shewas like ‘that’s hilarious’. I don’t even catch on to that. That’s amazing.
N. And I heard Justin Bieber wasn’t partof the video at first?
C: It wasn’t a part of the initialtreatment. No, he just happened to be in New York. And it was sort of the last minute decision that video be shot in NewYork, because Tom Hanks’ schedule kinda got a little crazy. He was just a lot moreconvenient if we shot there. So I don’t think it would happen that all thestars could be all in line… And Justin was in town and he was came justbecame part of it. … Since of course he was abig supporter at the beginning.
N. Justin Bieber helped you promotingthis song like he did last time,how do you like his version?
Justin Bieber帮助你修改了这首歌,就像他之前帮你修改《Call Me Maybe》一样,你觉得他的帮助怎么样?
C: I love it. It’s always funto see anyone can remix on some you work done, but I actually feel like a oldwoman when I watch it, because I watch all these celeberties and ‘who is that?Oh, that’s Kendall ok’. My sister sat next to me and pointing out ‘oh, that’sthis person’. I was like ‘I recognized David Forster’. It was very excited. AndI think it’s undeniable that Justin has a huge following in it. It’s just sohelpful when he kind of shines any attention on the project you’re doing.
N: How do you guys know about eachother? We all know he gave you the contract.
C: Yes.
N: So what’s the story?
C: The story goes… I wasactually doing my own project in Canada … I was looking for hoping ways tobreak out the rest of the world, but I had no real idea abouthow that works or how that happens. So I was contentedly just making a livingin career as a musician solely in Canada. Luckily, I had some radio play and‘Call Me Maybe’ was actually getting some radio play at that time. And Justinhappened to come to Canada and heard it when he was visiting his grandparentsfor Christmas or something like that. And apparently he heard the song and justtwitted that he liked it. And he was kind of headed for his fames, so that justsort of created the snow ball effect and then different labels and differentare countries reaching out and expressing interests about my project. Becauseof course he has been the one to initiate all the succssment to. I felt onlyfit in then I set with him and his manager Scooter Braun. It’s a decision thatI don’t regret. They really changed my life for better.
我在寻找机会让全球其他地区也能够听到我的作品,但是我没有可行的关于这该如何运转或发生的想法。所以我只是安心地独自在加拿大做音乐为生。幸运的是,我的歌“Call Me Maybe”当时正在电台轮番播放。Justin圣诞节回加拿大拜访他的祖父母正好在电台上听到了。他听到了这首歌,然后发推特说他很喜欢。靠着他的名气,造成了一股雪球效应,不同的厂牌和国家都听到并且对我的歌产生了很大的兴趣。因为当然他是第一个推广我歌的人,只有和他合作我才觉得是合适的,于是我和他还有他的经理Scooter Braun签订了合约。我从来没有后悔过这个决定。他们真的很棒地改变了我的生活。
N: It seems there’s a tuning point ofyour music style, since you sign the contract. You know, before “Call MeMaybe”, your first record “Tug of War” is sweet but more like a indie record,however now “Call Me Maybe ”and “I Really Like You” are all smash hits, so whatmake the change.
自从你签订了合约之后,好像你的音乐风格转变了很多。在“CallMe Maybe”之前,你的第一张专辑“Tugof War”也很甜,但是可能更像一张独立专辑。现在的“CallMe Maybe”和“I Really Likeyou”都是出色的热门曲,所以是什么改变了你?
C: I think it’s natural forevery artist kind of involving changing their goal. I think my taste was justnaturally heading in that direction. I’ve been writing solely on the acousticguitar, coz the only instrument that I knew had barely play. It was my firsttime to do songwriting with ”Tug of War” . so everything was very journalentry. There was no real song structure or rule in my head,it wasvery innocent writing when I listen back to that album I’m kind of have lovefor it because it was so untouched and innocent when I started songwriting.When I started writing the rest of the album for “Call Me Maybe” and “TheKiss”, I had learned a lot more about the pop world, I was excited to take onthe challenge of writing a pop song, because I do think it is probably for meat least, a lot more difficult a lot more challenging to write in the popworld, and I do it well. It excited me that challenge. Also my taste changed.La Roux, Kimbra and some other artists that we are still in indie nature buthad a lot of pop influence.
With this next album“Emotion”, I think I’ve even taken a new direction once again, while it’s alittle bit more idiots pop again I think and at the same time there would besome songs go a little bit more indie nature/alternative, a little bit of areasI couldn’t gone, right? That’s been very excited to do.
我觉得每个艺术家都会涉及改变,这是很自然的。我想我的品位就是自然地朝着那个方向走。我以前一直是独自用原声吉他写歌,因为我只会这一种乐器。“Tug of War”是我第一次写歌,所以所有的都是崭新的。在我脑海里是没有歌曲结构和规则的,只是很单纯地写歌从我一开始写歌的时候。当我开始为“Call Me Maybe”和专辑“The Kiss”写其他歌的时候,我学到了关于流行音乐世界更多的东西,并且我做得不错。这个挑战让我觉得很刺激。同时我的品位也改变了。像La Roux,Kimbra还有一些其他的艺术家,我们一直都在独立环境中,但是也受到了很多流行影响。
N: That’s a bunch of music elements.
C: Yes I think so. I hope thatI’m always change, every album that I’m kind of can re-inventing of whatexcites me and re-inventing sort of what I want to go musicly.
N: Is there a pattern of writting hitsongs like “Call Me Maybe” and “I Really Like You”, cuz they really soundsalike.
有固定模式去写热门单曲像“CallMe Maybe”和“IReally Like You”么?因为他们听起来有点相似。
C: I think there’s a definitely apattern and structure to pop songs, that you can decide to be aware of and itcan help you or you can decide to be aware or ignore that could be equallyawesome sometimes. I love knowing the rules and breaking the rules when it makesense to do. However I wouldn’t say there’s a formula that I follow. When I sitdown to write I think it always begins by just what’s natural inspiration, andsomething that feels that it just came to me. And I think the best songs is thesongs that end up being the ones I most proud of, ones that I started from thatspark inspiration and then ended being a whole lot of work, because I went backweeks later and I really pitch the part, I really comes through it. Just likean editor start writing a novel and having the first start of the story andmaking that story concising better. I try to do that with music as well.
N: When you look back, which Carly RaeJepsen you like better, now and before?
C: I don't think of me as two seperatedversions I think of involving Carly from the ages I have empthy to me as ayoung thing when I was figuring it out and pry that I was getting a strongerhold on to music. I hope that is songwriting that constantly I’m challengingmyself to get better and better. So I don’t think I have a preference and Ijust see it as a drain of me through it all.
N: Will you continue the sweet girlish style of music forever?
C: I don't think I ever put tomuch attention I thought into pretreat myself as one way or another. I’m justso easy trying to be as much as possible. And I even think in the second versesof “Call Me Maybe” exposed even more desire just figuring ethnic of myself. I thinksometimes in the world of pop, people have a desire of put you into “You’rePrincess Candy” ”You’re Rihanna” “You’re this”. And I have no desire to labelmyself from one to the others. In fact, I’m just an artist want to be a artistwhoever I wanted to perceive I perceived.
我觉得我并没有放太多注意力在把自己定位于某一种模式。我就是很简单地想成为我所能够的更多。我甚至觉得在“Call Me Maybe”的第二段中我展现的更多是对于我自己的种族思考。我觉得一些时候在流行音乐世界中,人们倾向于定义你为“甜蜜公主”“蕾哈娜”“你是这样”。但是我一点也不想给自己贴上任何一种标签。事实上,我只是一个希望成为歌手,保持自己所保持的,一个歌手。
N: News said you took time playCinderella on Broadway, is this your next phase of music career?
C: I play Cinderella. It was very funand very challenging. It’s always something I wanted to do to be a part ofBroadway production. And it was a nice refresher for me I think because therewas a point when I think I was a little burned out and got pissed of this lifeof travelling and touring which everything is very exciting but you can’t takeit as granted if you don’t pull back for a second and take breath, and I think that’swhat it was for me. And I just think I can’t sleep in the same bed in New Yorkevery night. Having that product is not just mine but a fact of ours. Cuz as aproduction you just want to feel one little threat of whole theatre machine. Itwas nice that can bring me back to the ground zero I think it’s good for my egoas well and It also give me sort of redrew that can come back to the road. AndI really appreciate this life that we got living.
N: Many people get to know you through“Call Me Maybe”, but I’m sure there are songs you want people to listen to morethan “Call Me Maybe”, can you share with us?
很多人通过“CallMe Maybe”认识你,但是我确信你肯定希望大家听到除了“CallMe Maybe”以外的别的歌,你能与我们分享一些么?
C:“Black Heart”
“Your Type”
“I Didn’t Come Here To Dance”
N: Sia
C: Sia is fantastic. I kind of call hera butterfly writers. Cuz she started coming in and there’s flush rain of ideascome out. She’s very inspired by the day and the moment and all of her ideasare really solid that not like justsomeone’s kind of free flowing singsing kind of weido, it’s really all qualitystuff. I think that’s why she’s souch a successful artist and writer and Ireally look up to her and admire her. And I hope one day I can look back at mywork and could be as proud of Sia of hers, or Sia should of be hers.
N:Howdoes the song sound like?
C: It’s a little bit like a girl anthem,it’s fun, it’s tougue and chick. It’s really like when you break up with yourboyfriend and sick of talking boys problems. And it’s kind of a girl-power too.
N: I saw a black cover, is thatauthentic?
C: Yes! That’s the one. I wanted thatcover because its tiltle is “Emothion”, I wanted the picture to show notnecessarily be readable as just one emotion. Because itis so many patterns in this one album, I don't want it to be sad or happy, Ithink why that photo is pictured is one we focus on the face is you can’t readwhat I’m thinking and I thought that was important.
N: And you’re not squatting.
C: Yes I know. You’re gonnachange my nickname, what are you going to do? like “Lying Down”.