当地时间2019年12月4日至6日,2019世界建筑节(World Architecture Festival,WAF) 在荷兰阿姆斯特丹RAI会展中心举行。ARIZON DESIGN乾正设计申俊伟(ELSON)先生INZONE银座购物中心作品入围该项盛事,并与Heatherwick Studio、Gianni ranaulo design、fjmt and Buchan、kpln、A tasarim mimarlik- ali osman ozturk等国际知名事务所,通过现场演讲角逐年度大奖的评选。因此INZONE银座购物中心成为本次盛会最受瞩目的作品之一。

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已完成建筑 - 购物类
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已完成建筑 - 购物类
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▲The RAI Exhibition and Convention Center, Amsterdam现场
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▲The RAI Exhibition and Convention Center, Amsterdam现场
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The located city Dezhou is the west-north gate of Shandong Province.It has had the fame of”Reaching the Heaven,God-bestowed Entrance”. It was an important transportation point of Eastern and Northern China.The passage of Dezhou occupies 141 km out of the 1500 km of Peking-Hangzhou Canal. Dezhou inherits historical and liberal heritages, a unique geographical advantage,and a landscape of intersecting river and ally webs. The design concept of this project roots in going back to one thousand years ago, reviving the prosperous picture of ancient markets along rivers and allies. The elements of river ally, market and fair, boat and ship are the clues throughout space design, as if traveling under the rivers,with ever-changing landscape of each step, we take a glance from a hidden perspective of this splendor fantasy realm.

▼戏剧化的主题街场景,the dramatic scene of a pedestrian street

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This project is implemented with the historical gene of located area. To dig into the unique cultural advantages belong to this project energize and signifies the spatial design. To extract and merge the elements of river ally. Market and fair, boat and ship and to apply in use of spatial arrangement as clues, creates distinguishing visual impact and memorizable highlights. Take a small walk here”under the rivers”. The startling moving “boat bottoms” will indulge you in a marvelous dream.

▼抬头仰望,鱼贯而行的“船底”波光粼粼,”boat bottoms” on the ceiling of the atrium

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▼天花细部,ceiling detailed view

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The giant atrium adopts natural daylighting for illumination. Greatly raised the demand of environmental protection and energy saving, when daylight comes to interior through the two sides of atrium, sunshine shows enriched and detailed changes through grid-forming lines,which bestows the space a shivering beauty of light and shadows of waves.

▼中庭采用自然光源,the giant atrium is illuminated by natural light

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Functionality: According to the fantasy scenarios along the river allies from the design concept, sections are planted in the public spaces of each atrium. The interactive activities between people and space distinguishes the areas.

Innovation: The material of aluminum board will be considerably applied, using the method of composition, various visual effects can be created while saving cost.

▼由河巷贯穿的幻象景致,the fantasy scenarios along the river allies

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The concept of Fantasy Realm is to apply the multi-space system into the whole design. The spacial and equipment arrangement is installed according to the moving rhythm of boats in river and functionality. Unify the whole architecture and scenarios design organically in condition of assuring the commercial streamlines. The rooftop, platform and atrium at different spatial latitude is formed into one continuous spacial system, serving as transitional elements between a series of corridors and community blocks as well,which leads to the final organic emergence of the architecture and the scenarios. The recycling and energy-saving factor is always thoroughly considered during the design.

▼屋顶、平台、中庭构成连续的空间体系,the rooftop, platform and atrium together act as a continuous spacial system

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▼设计示意图,design concept

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▼1层平面图,1F plan

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世界建筑节(World Architecture Festival,简称WAF),是国际建筑界规模最大,声望最高的颁奖盛典之一。自2008年起WAF由英国EMAP集团主办,迄今已成功举办十二届。每年在不同的城市举办,将世界各地的建筑师、设计师集聚一堂,通过参赛项目向世界展示了如何通过设计语言和技巧应对世界最紧迫的挑战。其奖项设置不仅表彰已建成的杰出建筑作品,也对未建成的优秀方案给予关注,被誉为建筑界的奥斯卡。

2019WAF主要入围的建筑事务所包括了Zaha Hadid Architects,Heatherwick Studio,Bjarke Ingels Group,Rafael Vinoly Architects,Rogers Stirk Harbor + Partners,Grimshaw and White Arkitekter AB等国际顶级一线的设计机构。


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ARIZON DESIGN干正设计(全称:上海干正建筑装饰设计有限公司)由商业空间设计师申俊伟(ELSON SHEN)先生于2008年创立于上海,专为精品百货&购物中心提供室内设计及顾问服务;是国内具有活力和影响力的精品百货&购物中心空间设计机构之一。

干正设计主要从事 : 精品百货(Department Store)、购物中心(Shopping Mall)整体规划设计。以前沿的设计理念,以“设计驱动商业未来”为使命,为客户创造更大的商业价值!



申 俊伟(ELSON)

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干正设计ARIZON DESIGN | 创始人兼设计总监Founder and Design Director

他希望构筑的空间是一种共存状态,从中诞生人与环境的对话,产生共鸣;让人与环境的和谐相处,人与人,人与环境融为一体, 让他的「生态时尚」设计哲学融入每一个项目。

He wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence. The conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants. The environment invites all human to be part of it, upon which a universal pattern of relationship can be built. Let his「ECO-FASHION」design philosophy be integrated into every project.


He fully explores the aesthetic and commercial potential of architecture, creats impressive and unexpectedly wonderful experience through the perfect combination of art and technology.