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现代意式 | 中茵皇冠 | 248㎡

设计师 | 马素

设计单位 | 灵筑设计

施工单位 | 灵筑精造



In terms of low saturation tone, a peaceful and warm lifestyle is gradually integrating into an increasingly complete living space with the implementation of design, creating an introverted yet vivid sense of rhythm.

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Be inclusive and draw on the strengths of others. In the quiet and clean living room space, rational colors and humanistic care are constantly intertwined, revealing a unique and innovative atmosphere. The clever combination of multiple materials also allows for simplicity and aesthetics to coexist, just like the various flavors contained in life, with clear layers yet mutual reflection.

婉拒平淡,Heart Cone Chair的热烈犹如一圈涟漪,荡漾在生活的波心,传递着居者内心的澎湃情感。

Politely rejecting blandness, the warmth of the Heart Cone Chair is like a circle of ripples, rippling in the heart of life, conveying the surging emotions in the hearts of residents.

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The article is naturally written, and a clever hand stumbles upon it. The study adjacent to the living room has transformed into another spiritual realm, settling in a corner and enjoying itself. The myriad thoughts and thoughts nurtured in it are worth savoring repeatedly, just like the mellow red wine.

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The smoke and fire of the human world are the most soothing to the hearts of ordinary people. A touch of warm color, like the gentleness and tolerance of home, adorns the dining space. A symmetrical rhythmic partition creates application interactions in different scenarios. Looking inside, it shows the busy figure of family cooking three meals a day, while looking outside, it shows the laughter and joy of gathering at the dining table. Regardless of the situation, it will become a soothing and comfortable home background.

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Repeating the occasional palpitations and rationally depicting inner emotions. The dark red dining chairs are arranged in a diagonal interlocking pattern, together with the blooming life on the dining table, injecting emotions and vitality into the space.

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The warm arc softens the edges of reality, the quiet deep blue supports the tired body and mind, and the simple and simple bedroom space hides all the complexity, leaving only purity.

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The neatly arranged light like sketched lines enhances the transparent texture of the bathroom space, and highlights the essence and simplicity of the space with a light posture.

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Iconic pink and blue, delineating the boundaries of users. The meticulous decoration and differentiation perfectly reflect one's inner liking, illuminating every stage of growth and transformation.


From images to reality, with precise style display and delicate scale control, every square meter is not let down. In the end, the overall handover is completed, allowing residents to breathe in the city and enjoy their own unique heart.

/ 灵 筑 出 品 /

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本案设计师 / 马素





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