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Following the deadly Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, The Walt Disney Company is donating $2 million to organizations that are providing humanitarian relief in the region.在以色列发生致命的哈马斯恐怖袭击事件后,华特迪士尼公司向在该地区提供人道主义救济的组织捐赠了200万美元。

“In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks targeting Jews in Israel this past weekend, we must all do what we can to support the innocent people experiencing so much pain, violence, and uncertainty – particularly children,” said Robert A. Iger, Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company. “We condemn these attacks, the hate that motivated them, and all acts of terrorism, and we will continue working to find more ways to provide support in the region, and to honor the victims, their families, and all those affected by this war.”华特迪士尼公司首席执行官罗伯特·艾格(Robert A. Iger)表示:“在上周末以色列发生针对犹太人的可怕恐怖袭击事件后,我们都必须尽我们所能支持那些经历如此多痛苦、暴力和不确定性的无辜人民,尤其是儿童。“我们谴责这些袭击、引发袭击的仇恨以及所有恐怖主义行为,我们将继续努力寻找更多方式在该地区提供支持,并向受害者、他们的家人和所有受这场战争影响的人致敬。”

Disney is donating $1 million to Magen David Adom, an affiliate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies that provides emergency medical and blood banking services in Israel, and $1 million to other nonprofit organizations working in the region, particularly those with a focus on providing aid to children.迪士尼将向红十字会与红新月会国际联合会(International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)的附属机构Magen David Adom捐赠100万美元,该机构在以色列提供紧急医疗和血库服务,并向在该地区工作的其他非营利组织捐赠100万美元,特别是那些专注于为儿童提供援助的组织。

Company employees have been participating in Disney’s Matching Gifts program that matches eligible charitable donations made by employees up to $25,000.公司员工一直在参加迪士尼的匹配礼物计划,该计划匹配员工提供的符合条件的慈善捐款,最高可达 25,000 美元。

Other corporations have stepped up to help with relief efforts amid the terrorist attack. David Ellison’s Skydance pledged $1 million to American Friends of Magen David Adom via an employee match program.其他公司也加紧帮助恐怖袭击中的救援工作。大卫·埃里森(David Ellison)的Skydance通过员工匹配计划向Magen David Adom的美国之友承诺了100万美元。

“Skydance stands with Israel, strongly condemns the attacks against its citizens, is donating support to the victims of this tragic act of terrorism, and prays for the safe release of innocents hostages,” a Skydance statement said on October 8.Skydance在10月8日的一份声明中说:“Skydance与以色列站在一起,强烈谴责针对其公民的袭击,向这一悲惨的恐怖主义行为的受害者提供支持,并为安全释放无辜的人质祈祷。

On Friday, Comcast also committed $2 million to aid the humanitarian efforts unfolding in Israel and the Middle East,Varietyhas learned. Comcast’s donation includes $1.5 million immediately to Save the Children Federation Inc., Doctors Without Borders, Direct Relief and American Friends of Magen David Adom.Additionally, the company is donating up to $500,000 for all employee donations to those organizations, in addition to contributions that were already made by Comcast’s matching gift program.周五,康卡斯特还承诺提供200万美元,以帮助在以色列和中东开展的人道主义工作。康卡斯特的捐款包括立即向救助儿童联合会、无国界医生组织、直接救济组织和美国大卫·阿多姆之友捐款150万美元。此外,除了康卡斯特的匹配捐赠计划已经提供的捐款外,该公司还将向这些组织捐赠高达 500,000 美元的所有员工捐款。

Earlier in the week, Comcast chairman and CEO Brian Roberts and president Mike Cavanagh addressed staff in an internal memo, obtained byVariety. “We are horrified and deeply saddened by the brutal attack on Israel,” the executives wrote. “Our hearts go out to the families who have lost their loved ones through unspeakable acts of terrorism and the devastation of war.”本周早些时候,康卡斯特董事长兼首席执行官布莱恩·罗伯茨(Brian Roberts)和总裁迈克·卡瓦纳(Mike Cavanagh)在Variety获得的一份内部备忘录中向员工发表讲话。“我们对以色列的野蛮袭击感到震惊和深感悲痛,”高管们写道。“我们向那些因难以形容的恐怖主义行为和战争破坏而失去亲人的家庭表示同情。

The donations from Disney and Comcast come as at least 1,200 people have died in Israel and at least 1,100 have died in Gaza. On October 7, Hamas launched a surprise ambush on Israel firing thousands of rockets from Gaza, brutally killing civilians in their homes and committing a massacre at a music festival for peace where 260 bodies were found. More than 100 civilians have been kidnapped from Israel and are being held hostage in Gaza.迪士尼和康卡斯特的捐款来自以色列至少有1,200人死亡,加沙至少有1,100人死亡。10月7日,哈马斯突然伏击以色列,从加沙发射了数千枚火箭弹,残忍地杀害了家中的平民,并在一个和平音乐节上进行了大屠杀,发现了260具尸体。100多名平民从以色列被绑架,在加沙被扣为人质。

Not since the Holocaust have this many Jews died in one single day.自大屠杀以来,从未有过如此多的犹太人在一天内死亡。

President Joe Biden has condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization, and has expressed unwavering support for Israel as it now retaliates and defends itself in Gaza.乔·拜登总统谴责哈马斯是一个恐怖组织,并表示坚定不移地支持以色列,因为它现在在加沙进行报复和自卫。

After an initial period of silence from Hollywood, the entertainment industry is now speaking out in support of Israel. Most major studios have not released official statements, but executives have sent internal emails to their companies in support of Jewish employees. Paramount Globalwas the firstmajor company to release a public statement on Israel, now being joined by Disney. Other studios and streamers have not responded toVariety‘s request for comment.在好莱坞最初的沉默之后,娱乐业现在正在大声疾呼支持以色列。大多数主要制片厂尚未发布官方声明,但高管们已向公司发送内部电子邮件,以支持犹太员工。派拉蒙全球是第一家发布关于以色列的公开声明的大公司,现在迪士尼也加入了这一行列。其他工作室和流媒体尚未回应Variety的置评请求。

On Thursday, more than 700 figures from the entertainment industry signed anopen letterto condemn Hamas and demand the safe return of hostages being held in Gaza. A number of celebrities have alsocondemned the Hamas attacks, including Gal Gadot, Dwayne Johnson, Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba, Floyd Mayweather, Seth Meyers, Madonna, Barbra Streisand and Amy Schumer.周四,来自娱乐业的700多名人士签署了一封公开信,谴责哈马斯,并要求安全遣返被关押在加沙的人质。许多名人也谴责了哈马斯的袭击,包括盖尔·加朵、道恩·强森、娜塔莉·波特曼、杰西卡·阿尔芭、弗洛伊德·梅威瑟、塞思·迈耶斯、麦当娜、芭芭拉·史翠珊和艾米·舒默。