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1 英语原意

1 英语原意

阈值 :Threshold

2 英文解释

2 英文解释

2.1 threshold noun (ENTRANCE)

the floor of an entrance to a building or room 门槛

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2.2 threshold noun (LEVEL)

the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen 阈,界限;起点

  • I have a low/high boredom threshold (= I do/don't feel bored easily). 我很容易/不容易感到厌倦。
  • He earns £400 a month, well below the threshold for paying tax.

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3 中文解释

3 中文解释



  1. 门坎:“立不中门,行不履~”。
  2. 界限:视~。听~。
4 感想体会

4 感想体会
