网易手机讯 2020年2月20日消息,早些时候,苹果CEO库克在微博发布消息称,苹果将会努力保证员工与顾客重新回归,同时还会督促供应商方面平稳的复工,最后库克还保证了将会追加对此次疫情受影响的地区的捐款数额。

据了解,北京5家Apple Store恢复有限营业后,中国地区又有10家Apple Store恢复营业。


“随着我们欢迎员工和顾客回来,并与供应商伙伴一起努力安全平稳地复工,我们一直恪守着对所在的中国众多社区的承诺。 为对他们的努力贡献力量,Apple 将捐款数额加倍,以支持即时救助工作以及整个社区的长期恢复。我们与你同在。”

As we welcome back employees and customers, and work alongside our manufacturing partners to resume operations as safely and steadily as possible, we are holding fast to our commitment to the many communities we’re a part of in China. Apple is contributing to their efforts by doubling our donation to support immediate relief work as well as longer-term communitywide recovery. We are with you.
