Executive vice chairman of the YouChange Entrepreneur Foundation

汤敏教授兼任北京大学中国经济研究中心、武汉大学、暨南大学兼职教授,长城金融研究所研究员。1984年,赴美留学,成为美国伊 利诺伊大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 经济系博士研究生;1989年年获国际金融与贸易,计量经济学博士。1989年,博士毕业后,被亚洲开发银行经济发展研究中心聘为经济学家,负责东亚经济、区域间经济合作、亚洲债务、亚洲金融市场方面的研究;2000年,作为亚洲开发银行驻中国代表处首席经济学家回国工作。为亚洲开发银行驻中国代表处副代表。2007年8月1日起,正式履新中国发展研究基金会副秘书长。2010年12月加入友成企业家扶贫基金会,任常务副理事长。2011年4月被聘任为国务院参事。

Tang Min is the Vice Secretary General of China Development Research Foundation,Vice Chairman of Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China.,part-time professor of Peking Univesity,Wuhan University,Jinan University,financial advisor of Beijing Municipal Government and Guanzhou City Government,and member of WRSA Chamber of Commerce of China.Dr.Tang was awarded P.H.D degree in economics in 1989 ,University of Illinois at Urban Champaign.As an economist in the Development Research Center, Asian Development Bank,he conducted a lot of research on Easr Asian economy,reginal economic cooperation,and Asian financial market. In 2000, he was deputy representative and Chief Economist of Beijing Office,He is vice secretaty general of China Development Research Foundation since 2007. He is now executive vice chairman of the YouChange Entrepreneur Foundation and counselor of the State Council.