新华网7月22日电 据Gizmodo报道,我们大多数人都很幸运,没有在战区或者常发生严重暴力事件的地区生活过,我们的生命安全也就不会经常受到威胁。但这个背包是为那种情况设计的。“犀牛皮”(Rhino Skin)背包使用凯夫拉(Kevlar)材质,目的是在爆炸后使身体的重要器官免受飞出的碎片击伤。

这个背包由耶路撒冷的工业设计师Hila Raam设计,背包上还有面罩可以拉出来保护人的头部和颈部,整个背包会保护后被、心脏、肝脏和肾脏。不过看起来“犀牛皮”背包目前还只有原型产品,但如果确实有用的话,这款产品必然有巨大的市场潜力。安全是第一位的,不过这个背包很好看,而且又实用,这就再好不过了。



A Backpack Made Of Kevlar Could Protect You In A War Zone

In the U.S. most of us are lucky enough to have never lived in a combat zone or area of extreme violence where our personal safety is always at risk. But this backpack was designed for that scenario. The Rhino Skin pack is made of Kevlar and is meant to protect vital organs against flying debris created by an explosion.

Created by Hila Raam, an industrial designer in Jerusalem, the bag has a special hood that flips up to protect a wearer's head and neck, while other parts of the bag shield the back heart, liver and kidneys. It seems like Rhino Skin is only a prototype right now, but if it works it could really have potential. Safety first, but the fact that it's good looking and functional is a definite bonus. [dezeen]
