
新华网7月23日电 据英国《太阳报》报道,昨天下午4点24分,一名即将成为国王的男婴降生在英国,重3.8公斤。





Welcome to His Royal Highness Prince Of Cambridge

Proud parents ... The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

THE boy who will be King was delivered to the nation at 4.24pm yesterday, weighing 8lbs 6oz.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge s son, to be titled His Royal Highness Prince Of Cambridge, is third in line to the throne and destined to become the 43rd monarch since William the Conqueror in 1066.

The royal baby who will give renewed hope to the future of the House of Windsor will one day become head of the Armed Forces, the Church of England and the 54-nation Commonwealth.
