新华网7月28日电 据科技网站Gizmodo报道,美国广播公司(NBC)推出了一项新的回放重播技术,类似于时空穿梭的《黑客帝国》,能够360度、全方位、无死角地回放比赛的精彩画面。这一技术将被最先应用于美式橄榄球赛事的转播当中,能够缓解球迷们周日晚上球赛之夜等待裁判员做出裁决的痛苦。



据悉,这项技术将于今年9月8号达拉斯牛仔队和纽约巨人队的比赛中首次应用。不过,现在还不知道裁判们会不会因为有了“红色药片还是蓝色药片”的高端回放技术而放弃传统掷硬币来决定攻守双方。(在电影《黑客帝国》中,红色的药片将回答“什么是The Matrix”的问题(通过将Neo从The Matrix中移除的方式),而蓝色的药片仅仅是让生活像以前一样继续——本网注)



Matrix-Like 360 Replays Are Going to Take Over Sunday Night Football

There's no question that the most boring part of any football game is waiting for the referees to respond to a coach's challenge. But the agony of the endless replay is going to ease up at least a little bit this season, with NBC's Matrix-style 360-degree replays giving us plenty of space-aged eye candy to fill the time.

The breakthrough in replay technology will be enabled by the placement of a whopping 24 cameras in each end zone, allowing every possible play perspective to be stitched together into one comprehensive view that would have really blown your mind back in 1999.

The tech will go into effect starting September 8th for the Cowboys-Giants game. There's no word yet on if referees will forego the traditional coin toss for a round of red pill/blue pill.