新华网7月28日电 据科技博客Gizmodo报道,在对谷歌Chromecast电视棒的常规拆解过程中,著名维修网站iFixit注意到在里面居然藏着一个类似于《银河系漫游指南》的复活节彩蛋。





During their routine teardown procedure of Google's new Chromecast, iFixit noticed what appears to be a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy easter egg that's hiding in plain sight.

The Chromecast's model number is H2G2-42, which as iFixit points out is the common abbreviation for Douglas Adams' classic space adventure book followed by the "42", which happens to be the meaning of life discovered in that book. That's either an intentional reference or one hell of a coincidence.

Besides that little joke, there's nothing too surprising about the Chromecast's guts. Maybe its no surprise that the single chip design of the gadget is super easy-to-open, and that once it's open, there isn't much inside to repaired. What else do you expect for $35?
