新华网8月2日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,如果你还在考虑购买3D打印机是不是一个划算的主意,那么现在已经有答案了:研究人员经过计算得出的结果是,3D打印机只需要一年就能收回成本。

美国密歇根技术大学研究了20种常见的家用物品,包括智能手机外壳、捣蒜器和莲蓬头等,用Google Shopping算出网上购买这些物品最多和最少需要花费多少钱,不包括运费。然后研究人员又计算了3D打印这些物品的费用。






Household 3D Printers Can Pay For Themselves in a Year

If you've been pondering over whether a 3D printer is a sound financial decision, here might be your answer: researchers have calculated that they can pay for themselves inside a single year.

The study, conducted at Michigan Technological University, considered 20 common household items—smartphone cases, a garlic press, a shower head, the list goes on—listed on Thingiverse, then used Google Shopping to work out the maximum and minimum cost of buying them online (not including shipping). Then, the researchers also calculated how much it would cost to make each using a household 3D printer.

The results are pretty amazing: it would cost between $312 to $1,944 to buy the items, but just $18 to make using the 3D printer. Clearly, the printers are expensive, but those figures suggest that they can pay for themselves in a time frame of months to years. The research is published in Mechatronics. Joshua Pearce, who led the research, explains:

“With the exponential growth of free designs and expansion of 3D printing, we are creating enormous potential wealth for everyone... [Y]ou don t need to be an engineer or a professional technician to set up a 3D printer. Some can be set up in under half an hour, and even the RepRap can be built in a weekend by a reasonably handy do-it-yourselfer.”

Of course, there's a time investment involved in downloading designs, tweaking them, and experimenting with manufacturing—but that could be seen as part of the charm, too. If you weren't excited about 3D printing by now, this news might be just enough to tip you over the edge.

(原标题:家用3D打印机一年可以收回成本 你要买一台么?)