新华网8月2日电 据英国《太阳报》报道,现年39岁的英国歌坛巨星罗比·威廉姆斯最近体重大增,最近穿着亮片(衣服)夹克登台表演时令5万名观众大跌眼镜。










Robbie Williams looks to be back to his heavier days at concert

ROBBIE Williams could be sliding back up the scales as these concert snaps appear to show.

The superstar singer, 39, seemed visibly larger as he performed in front of 50,000 people with his sparkly jacket opening to reveal a slightly wider frame.

His face also looked fuller at the performance in Milan, Italy — just months after the dad of one showed off his weight loss success, shifting 24lbs in five weeks.

Speaking about the post-Christmas health kick, Robbie said: “I went on a diet. Knocked out sugar (processed) and dairy… Lost 24 pounds in five weeks.

“I was looking like Geoff Capes after the Christmas run and seeing as 40 is just around the corner it s time to go all yoga and lentils… or who knows where it could all end.”

But keeping up a touring lifestyle might have put paid to some of the star s good intentions as a couple of extra pounds could have crept back on.

(原标题:坏小子罗比体重大增 米兰演唱会"险些"撑坏衣服)