新华网8月3日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,在强制密码算法如此复杂和生物识别技术飞速发展的今天,在自动取款机(ATM)上使用一组四位数口令的办法似乎显得过时了。然而,这也没有改变还有人在使用1234作为取款密码的事实。






The 10 Dumbest ATM PINs Are Even Dumber Than You'd Think

In an age of mandatory password complexity and burgeoning biosensory protection, the idea of a four-number PIN for the ATM seems almost quaint. That doesn't excuse the fact that the most popular PIN is still, yes, 1234. Come on, people.

The following list of most-used ATM PINs comes compliments of a company called DataGenetics, and it's a morbid look into humanity's uninventive soul.

1234, 1111, 0000, 1212, 7777, 1004, 2000, 4444, 2222, 6969

And yes, most-used also means easiest to crack. If you're currently employing one of these—or, worse yet, your birthday—please stop! Or don't, and let me borrow your debit card for an hour or two.