新华网8月6日电 据科技博客Gizmodo,美国ABC电视台报道称“基地”组织发现了“新一代液体炸药”。可怕的是,这种炸弹“无法被现有的安检系统查出”。





Al-Qaeda Can Turn Clothes into Explosives By Dipping Them in Liquid

ABC News is reporting that al Qaeda has come up with a "new generation of liquid explosives" for a potential attack. The scary thing is that the bomb "would not be detected by current security measures".

The new bomb method sounds like the sick creation of a mad scientist. Terrorists would dip their clothes into the special liquid and become explosives once the clothes were dry. ABC News cites two senior US government officials as the source of this new clothing bomb information. Supposedly, the new bomb technique was developed by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is home of bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri (the guy behind the failed underwear bomb of 2009).

Al Qaeda has been amping up its activity lately, so this news of a clothing bomb has US officials on high alert.
