新华网8月6日电 一只斑马从德国一家马戏团中跑到马路上,《太阳报》调侃说这一定是一只会过马路的斑马。因为这只斑马从马戏团跑出后,径直奔向马路中央的斑马线。该报幽默地报道“我们不知道这只斑马是不是以为它可以靠斑马线隐蔽起来,它老老实实地站在比特堡市的马路中央,直到驯养员赶到又把它带回马戏团···可能这只斑马现在已经意识到自己想用斑马线把自己隐蔽起来根本是徒劳的。即便它身上也有横条纹,但仍然很容易被发现。”



WELL here s an animal who should have no problem crossing the road.

The zebra made a beeline for some black and white lines on the road after escaping from a circus in Germany.

We re not sure if he thought it was camouflage, but he stood rooted to the ground until trainers arrived to recapture him in the city of Bitburg.

Maybe the zebra had realised he was on a hiding to nothing. He may be striped — but he s still obviously spotted
