新华网8月27日电 科技博客Gizmodo刊文,有人(可能是政府机构)利用火狐浏览器窥探所谓的匿名用户,这一消息令人震惊。TOR匿名网络通讯项目呼吁大家停止使用Windows。TOR方面认为Windows操作系统在安全方面表现并不好。




The TOR Project Tells Everyone to Stop Using Windows

After startling news that someone—probably a government agency—was exploiting a vulnerability in Firefox to spy on its supposedly anonymous users, the TOR Project is now asking everyone to take a step back and stop using Windows. Windows just isn't a great operating system in terms of security in general, they say.

"Really, switching away from Windows is probably a good security move for many reasons," the TOR Project said in a security advisory. But for this specific exploit it was especially bad since the hackers—probably a government agency—specifically targeted Windows users. Mac and Linux users were not affected.
