新华网8月22日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,安卓SwiftKey键盘最新推出云同步功能,能在用户的不同设备之间实现输入习惯、词汇等的同步







SwiftKey is fantastic. It's got great prediction, great personalization, swipe-based entry options, and pretty much anything else you could want. Now, it's getting even better with SwiftKey Cloud, which syncs your data between all your devices.

Part of SwiftKey's secret sauce is how it can learn about your written voice from your Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and other services if you let it.But you used to have to painstakingly do that on every device. What a drag. With syncing, though, you'll never be without all your weird textual mannerisms and idiosyncratic swears ever again!

In addition to the syncing, SwiftKey's Cloud update will also add more sources the keyboard's predictive brain can learn from, and a feature called "Trending Phrases," which will attempt to predict particularly topical word-strings. Cool beans, but that syncing is still the killer feature.

SwiftKey's Cloud update is rolling out (for free) today to anyone who has the keyboard. And for anyone who doesn't, SwiftKey is on sale in the Google Play Store for 50 percent off. You should check it out because it's fantastic, and at $2 it's a steal.
