新华网8月23日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,Google Now新增添一项提醒服务,提示用户末班车什么时候发出,以免用户错过。此外,新升级的谷歌即时搜索还能够识别智能电视的播放内容。

错过回家的末班车恐怕是人生中最不爽的经历之一了。不过现在谷歌推出了一项新服务,让错过列车成为不会再重演的历史。这是谷歌即时Google Now升级后新添加的一个功能,预计不久之后将会登陆手机应用了。

Google Now的公共交通卡片能提示用户最后一班巴士或列车将于何时离站。此外,个人信息助理会弹出音乐会门票、汽车租赁预留信息,用户再也不必费半天时间在手机上吃力地查找信息。

Google Now功能卡升级后,无论你在观看什么电视节目,手机上的Google Now都会弹出一个小窗口,显示你正在收看的节目的相关信息。它怎么会知道你在看什么电视节目呢?如果你是在智能电视——假如说是谷歌电视或其他能让你登陆Google Now的电视机上看节目,这些设备之间的信息都是想通的。相应地,就像音乐雷达 Shazam(一款音乐识别软件)可以识别智能手机上播放的任何音乐,智能手机也能够识别电视上正在播出的节目内容。



Google Now Will Make Sure You Never Miss the Last Train Again

Missing the last ride home is one of the most profound bummers you can experience. Thanks to Google, getting left behind could become a thing of the past. And that's just one of the new tricks tucked into the Google Now update that should be hitting your phone imminently.

Google Now's public transportation card will now tell you when the last bus or train is leaving the station. Additionally, the personal assistant will surface concert tickets and car rental reservations, which cuts down on the amount of time you have to spend fiddling with your phone looking for information.

Google's also jumping on to the second screen bandwagon with a new Google Now card that will display information about what you are watching on TV. How will it know what you are watching on TV? Well if you're using a smart TV——presumably a Google TV or any other system that lets you log in with Google Now—the devices can talk to each other. Alternatively, you can instruct your phone to listen to your TV for a few seconds like Shazam for smartphones. [Google+]
