
新华网9月10日电 据英国《太阳报》报道,流失多年的梵高名作“蒙马儒的日落”(Sunset at Montmajour)在一名挪威收藏家的家中阁楼中发现,此时距这幅画作的创作时间已过去125年。






Rare Van Gogh painting found after 125 years in attic

A LONG-LOST Vincent Van Gogh masterpiece has been discovered in a Norwegian attic 125 YEARS after it was painted.

The Van Gogh museum director Axel Rueger was delighted with the discovery describing it as a “once-in-a-lifetime experience” at an unveiling ceremony.

It now belongs to an unidentified private collector and will go on display at the museum from September 24.

The painting is the first full-size canvas by the Dutch master discovered since 1928.

Entitled “Sunset at Montmajour”, the masterpiece depicts trees, bushes, and sky and is painted with Van Gogh s familiar thick brush strokes.

It can be dated to the exact day it was painted because the artist described the painting in a letter and said he painted it the previous day.

He wrote to his brother Theo telling him the painting was done “on a stony heath where small twisted oaks grow” but incredibly described it as a “failure”.