新华网9月11日电 据美国科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,今天苹果公司推出的iPhone 5C,号称是拥有多彩塑料外壳的廉价版iPhone 5,其内在与iPhone5无异,但新系统iOS7能否顺利运行,还是一个未知数。

有关于苹果的新iPhone,所谓的廉价版的5C,在美国时间9月10日之前,传闻漫天纷飞,不过真相如何,终于出来官方版本了。苹果公司已经发布了一系列(稍微)便宜点儿的多彩的iPhone手机。那么,在这么多彩的外壳之下到底有哪些奥秘呢?这方面的传闻的确不多。现在5C终于问世了,其实它就是一个多彩塑料外壳之下的iPhone 5.

iPhone 5C依旧配备的是原来那个800万像素的iSight摄像头,而且苹果公司承诺将支持新系统iOS7照相软件的所有功能。5C还配有最新的高清前置摄像头,其前身iPhone 5的前置摄像头好像没有那么带劲。

iPhone 5C的到来敲响了32-pin基座连接线的丧钟,5C带有一个崭新的闪电接口。挤出iPhone 4S,5C将位于苹果手机产品链的最低端,以后的产品都将换上闪电接口(苹果新一代的电源连接器被称为闪电连接器——本网注)。

现在问题在于,5C这个翻新版的iPhone5能否承受得了全新的iOS7系统,我们只知道iPhone 5在测试版的iOS7下运行的情况。正式版的iOS7在原有基础上进行了一系列添加和修改,估计可能会对5C的运行造成较大的影响。现在我们能做的,只有拭目以待。



Apple's New, Colorful iPhone 5C Is Full of iPhone 5 Guts

We'd all heard the rumors—the many, many rumors—but it's finally official. Apple has just announced a new, alterna-iPhone that's coming to you in a rainbow of colors for (slightly) less money. But the real question is what's lying beneath those pretty colors—something we actually haven't heard too much about. And as it turns out, the 5C is just a dressed up iPhone 5.

Still, although you're getting the same 8MP iSight camera, Apple promises it will support all the features of iOS7's new fancy camera software. And the new HD front-side camera is a pretty nice trade-off—the previous version wasn't so hot.

Welcoming the 5C also apparently means the death of the 32-pin dock connector, since the 5C is packing a sleek new lightning port. And since it will be taking its rightful place at the bottom of Apple's lineup by pushing out the 4S, it's now lightning cables for all.

The real question, though, is whether a refurbished 5 can handle the iOS 7 overhaul. We only know how it feels under iOS 7 beta control, but bringing in the fixes and additions of the final version could have some major repercussions in terms of how well the 5C will run. We'll just have to wait and see.

Image: Wired

(原标题:“廉价”的iPhone 5C表现如何 拭目以待)