新华网9月12日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,受普利司通的防刺穿轮胎和米其林的Tweel概念轮胎启发,韩泰希望凭借其i-Flex轮胎产品打入下一代轮胎市场。和其竞争对手的做法相似,韩泰把容易漏气的充气式胎圈更换为兼具减震和支撑功能的工程橡胶材质的胎圈。




A Shock-Absorbing Airless Tire That Will Never Go Flat

Inspired by Bridgestone's puncture-proof tires, and Michelin's Tweel, Hankook has decided that it wants to get into the next-generation tire market with its own i-Flex. Like the previous creations from its competitors, Hankook's tire trades an air-filled bladder that's prone to leaks and punctures for an engineered rubber framework that provides support and shock absorption.

With the i-Flex, a complex array of rubber cells lines the inside of the tire. And since every bump is evenly distributed across this network of tiny shock absorbers, in theory the i-Flex tires should provide an even comfier ride. The tires are lighter too, improving a vehicle's fuel efficiency, and are actually quieter than traditional designs. And if that wasn't enough reason to hope these reach consumers, the unique design is also 95 percent recyclable, so they're better for the planet too.
