新华网9月13日电 据美国科技博客网站Gizmodo,一家名叫All Things D的网站报道称,苹果公司将于9月18日对其电视盒功能进行全新升级,升级后将能实现Airplay对非绑定电视盒子播放内容的控制,不过报道是否属实还有待进一步观察。

尽管前天的苹果新品发布会上并未提及苹果电视,但根据All Things D报道,库克及公司将对苹果电视媒体盒软件进行全面升级。

预计Apple TV的更新时间将与iOS 7系统的发布时间相同,9月18日。皮特卡夫卡写道:





Rumor: There's an Apple TV Software Refresh Coming Next Week

While there was no mention of Apple TV yesterday, All Things D is reporting that it believes Cook & Co. will roll out a software overhaul for the media box next week.

Apparently the update will land the same day as iOS 7 on September 18th. Peter Kafka writes:

The one new feature I m aware of is a tweak to Apple s Airplay system... The new software will allow people who have purchased content from Apple s iTunes store to play that stuff on other people s TVs, via its Airplay system. The key part is that they will be able to tell an Apple TV box they don t own to stream the media they do own, directly from the cloud.

That's better than the current system, which is rather more clunky, demanding the user download content to iPhone or iPad before beaming it from there. It's a rumor, of course, and it remains to be seen what else will turn up in the update—but it sounds like we might not have long to wait before we find out. [All Things D]

(原标题:传苹果电视盒将升级 功能更强大)