新华网9月13日电 科技博客Gizmodo刊文,继推出了一款信用卡大小的智能手机连接线ChargeCard后,制造商又推出了新产品ChargeKey,新产品的尺寸只有一把钥匙那么小。相比其前身ChargeCard,ChargeKey小了很多,但这同时限制了其使用范围。




An Emergency Lightning Cable That's No Bigger Than Your House Key

The makers of the ChargeCard—that wallet-friendly credit card-sized sync cable for smartphones—are back with a new product called the ChargeKey that's instead designed to hang out on your keychain. It's almost like a stripped down version of the ChargeCard that sheds most of the plastic so it can easily sidle up next to your keys, but at the cost of being incredibly short which limits where you can use it.

Available for pre-order now for $25 and shipping at the end of November, the ChargeKey is claimed to be no larger than a standard house key, and from the looks of it that claim is valid. The use of an open loop to tether it to your keyring means it's easier to quickly access when your phone is dying.
