新华网8月24日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,伦敦设计周上展出一款由日用生活品组装的简易床头灯,这不只是个台灯,还是个智能手机的手机座,非常方便好用。

现在对大多数人来说,智能手机伴着我们入眠,伴着我们醒来。但伦敦毛边设计室( Raw Edges Design Studio)的雅艾尔 梅尔和谢伊 奥克利想出了一个妙招,让智能手机不只扮演起床闹钟的角色。他们设计了一系列非常有创意的概念手机座,能将智能手机上的闪光灯在其充电时变成一盏小台灯

这些概念手机座最近刚在伦敦设计周上亮相,目前还未投产。 不过,你想要一台的话,也可以自己制作,因为这些手机座的材料在生活中唾手可得,比如一次性纸杯、树枝还有吸盘等。所有东西转杯齐全之后,你只需在智能手机上安装一款能让LED闪光灯持续发亮的应用程序就完成了。不过要记住,别做过头了,苹果公司不推荐将iPhone做床头灯使用是有原因的。



These Clever Docks Turn Your iPhone's Flash Into a Bedside Lamp

By now our smartphones have become a constant bedside companion for most of us. But Shay Alkalay and Yael Mer over at the London-based Raw Edges Design Studio have come up with a way to make them more than just an alarm clock replacement. They've created a series of very clever concept docks that turn your smartphone's flash into a bedside lamp while it's charging.

Since they were only just unveiled at London Design Week, no one's stepped up to put these creations into production just yet.

But fortunately every single design is made from scavenged materials like paper cups, tree branches, and even suction cups—so you should easily be able to just build your own. And the last ingredient would be an app that lets your smartphone's LED flash stay on indefinitely. Just don't over do it, since there's a reason Apple doesn't promote the iPhone as a portable bedside lamp. [Raw Edges Design Studio via designboom]
