新华网9月29日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,美国著名拆解网站iFixit的拆机高手已经将iPhone 5S拆开一探究竟,如今他们再次出手,向大家揭露iPhone 5C塑料壳下到底藏了些什么“宝贝”。以下是iFixit分析的部分亮点。

尽管iPhone 5S被外界认为是重新换壳包装的iPhone 5,但iPhone 5C的电池续航能力得到了提升。iPhone 5C的电压为3.8 V,容量为1510 mAh,而iPhone 5为3.8 V、1440 mAh.

此外,虽然iPhone 5S配备了指纹识别系统,但iPhone 5C重量仍大于iPhone 5S。iPhone 5C搭载的前置摄像头与iPhone 5S并没有太大差别,唯一的区别在于iPhone 5C的最大光圈为2.4,而iPhone 5S的最大光圈为2.2 。

塑料外壳是iPhone 5C的一大优势。与容易变形的iPhone 5s相比,采用塑料外壳的iPhone 5C更加结实。然而,塑料外壳在带来“结实”的同时也带来了重量。iPhone 5C的外壳重量为43.8克,而iPhone 5S仅为25.9克,这是由于如果要使塑料与铝达到同样的坚硬程度,采用的塑料会比铝要多一些。

总体来看iPhone 5C表现不错,可拆卸性得分6分(10分为满分)。电池和屏幕都比较容易拆卸,但有多处地方使用了粘合剂,在设计上也稍有缺憾。因此,综合各方面因素,iPhone 5C的表现算是能够及格。



iPhone 5C Teardown: An iPhone 5 Wrapped in Plastic

The ace team at iFixit has already gutted Apple's new iPhone 5S, and now they've taken a look inside the 5C, too. So what, exactly, lurks beneath that colorful plastic shell?

Here are some of the highlights from iFixit's analysis:

Despite being essentially a repackaged iPhone 5, the battery is beefed up a bit, clocking in at 3.8 V—5.73 Wh—1510 mAh, compared to 3.8 V—5.45 Wh—1440 mAh

Despite the inclusion of the fingerprint sensor on the 5S, the 5C's display unit is still heavier

The rear-facing camera on the the 5C is practically the same as the 5S's: the one difference is the aperture, which is f/2.4 on the 5C and f/2.2 on the 5S

The plastic case is strong—and virtually impossible to bend

But, interestingly, the rear case is much heavier—at 43.8 g compared to 25.9 g—than the 5S. That's because more plastic is needed to match the strength of the aluminum

Overall, the phone scored a 6 out of 10 in terms of repairability: the battery is fairly accessible and the screen is easy (enough) to remove, but there's plenty of adhesive in there and the design isn't as modular as it could be. So, on balance, kinda par for the course.

(原标题:iPhone 5C完全拆解:表现刚刚及格 (图))