新华网10月30日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,谷歌今日在美国旧金山举行新闻发布会,为Google+推出了18项新功能。更激动人心的是Google对Hangouts进行了升级,成为能够与苹果iMessage抗衡的产品。


自Google Hangouts发布以来,要求添加SMS短信整合的呼声一直很高。如今,整合SMS短信后Hangouts可谓与iMessage“齐头并进”,唯一的一点区别是Hangouts并不像iMessage那样对设备有限制。尽管这一功能对于Hangouts来说稍微来得迟了一点,但迟为胜于不为,Hangouts总算可以派上用场了。



Today, Google held a little event about updates to Google+ which, OK maybe that's not the most exciting thing. But buried deep in there were some updates to the Hangouts app that are finally helping it follow through on its promise: an iMessage competitor you can put on anything.

First and foremost Hangouts will now support SMS! Hooray! But even though that might be enough, there's still more. Hangouts now also supports animated GIFs (as well it should) as well as location sharing through Google Maps. And the app is also getting HD video calls across all devices.

SMS integration is a big move that folks have been clamoring for since release, and it puts Hangouts head-to-head with iMessage except without being locked to hardware. It took too long to get there, but better late than never. And plus the other little additions, Hangouts is more worth using than ever.