新华网11月1日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,大家期待已久的Nexus 5终于和大家见面了,这款手机拥有5英寸屏幕和原生版Android操作系统。这看起来都不错,但是这款Google对抗iPhone 5S和Lumia 1020的旗舰机型,这款新机的配置能不能完成使命呢?下面就是各款机型的配置对比。

在主要配置方面,LG代工的Nexus 5确实强于其他手机。手机配备的2.3GHz Snapdragon 800芯片非常有潜力成为性能怪物。另外,就像iPhone 5S拥有M7协处理器一样,这款4核Snapdragon处理器也带了一个小帮手。Nexus 5的“额外核心”能在手机待机的时候处理一些小任务。

额外的芯片对延长待机时间应该有很大帮助,而Nexus 5本身就已经做得不错了。在电池方面唯一能与其抗衡的手机就是三星的Galaxy S IV。当然,数字大并不意味着待机时间就一定会长。我们还要等待一些测试才能知道KitKat系统待机性能如何。

Nexus 5和Galaxy S IV一样拥有5英寸屏幕。增加的空间意味着更大的重量,所以新款Nexus 5肯定不会很轻薄,特别是和iPhone 5S相比。和其他手机相比,它的分量也就是在中等程度。




How the Nexus 5 Compares to Its Toughest Smartphone Competition

Finally, the long-awaited Nexus 5 has arrived in the form of 5 inches of pure, unfiltered Android just the way Google always intended. That all sounds nice, but as Google's flagship response to other big dogs like the iPhone 5S and Lumia 1020, does the refreshed Nexus have the specs to keep up with the competition (at least one paper)? We put together the comparison charts below to find out.

In terms of guts, the LG-manufactured Nexus 5 is more than able to hold its own against the rest. With a 2.3GHz Snapdragon 800 chip under the hood, this thing has the potential to be a major speed demon. Plus, just like the iPhone 5S has its M7 coprocessor, the quad-core Snapdragon chip also comes paired with a little helper. The Nexus 5's "bonus core" takes care of the little things while the rest of your phone is fast asleep.

This extra chip should also help with battery life, which the Nexus 5 is already doing pretty well on. The only phone to have it beat when it comes to battery size is Samsung's Galaxy S IV. Of course, pure numbers aren't always the best determiner when it comes to how long your phone will last. We'll have to wait and see how big of a drain KitKat is before any real judgements can be made.

The Nexus 5 also shares the title of biggest screen with the S IV, both of which come in at a strong 5 inches. That extra room does mean more weight, though, and the newest Nexus is by no means a featherweight, especially compared to the feather of a phone that is the iPhone 5S. Compared to everyone else, though, it stands sturdily in the middle.

Of course, these are all just specs. It's easy to throw numbers around, but hardware is nothing if the OS doesn't take proper advantage of it. But considering this is Google's pure Android baby, this is looking to be one mighty contender.

(原标题:Nexus 5和市售旗舰机型配置对比(图))