新华网11月4日电 无论是电视广告还是限制级影片,时下都非常流行采用4K分辨率。据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,在线影片租赁商Netfix本周开始上传不同帧率的4K视频,以测试其在线播放表现能力。

据Netfix一名发言人透露,Netfix计划“在明年推出超高清节目”,该消息也在几周前得到Netfix CEO里德·哈斯廷斯( Reed Hastings)的确认。这意味着,Netfix将进入原创电视内容及电影领域。此次Netfix上传的测试视频名为“源头”,看上去像是一部有关墨西哥的纪录片。尽管不太清楚如何准确地将该测试片分类,不过对于测试来说已经绰绰有余,接下来的事就是期待Netfix的4K视频吧。



Everything from ads to porn is getting the 4K treatment lately, and now Netflix is experimenting with it too. This week the company posted six 4K videos at various frames per second rates to test their streaming performance.

A spokesperson told GigaOM that Netflix “hopes to launch Ultra HD next year," which CEO Reed Hastings echoed in an earnings call a few weeks ago. Netflix could enter the space with original content, licensed TV and movies, or both. The test video, "El Fuente," is sort of a documentary about Mexico? A little bit? A clip reel? A pastiche of footage? Not sure what to call it, but it's sufficiently random for testing. Go forth, Netflix. Make our eyes bleed with those frame rates.

(原标题:Netfix测试4K超清视频 或于明正式推出)