新华网北京11月11日电 据美国科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,美国卡内基梅隆大学科研人员近日开发出一款可跟随手指在键盘来回移动的“键盘跳蚤”,利用的是灯光的交互式投影技术。


由卡内基梅隆大学的迈尔斯·佩顿研发,键盘跳蚤(Keyfleas)利用交互式投影技术在键盘上形成“小跳蚤”,并且跟随手指动作来回移动。键盘跳蚤的“跳蚤”是克里斯·萨格鲁研究的电光虫产生的,利用 Processing和Box2D控制和协调用户手指周围的灯光。未来,佩顿或将根据技术和项目的更迭研发出更细节化、反应更为灵敏的类似“跳蚤”的“生物”。



A lot of things can bother you while you're trying to work, but what about things that you only perceive as nagging? In Keyfleas, little lights follow your fingers around a keyboard like a swarm of fleas, and can create the sensation that something is nipping at your fingers.

Developed by Miles Peyton at Carnegie Mellon, Keyfleas uses interactive projection to map the "fleas" and follow hand motions across the keyboard. Based on Chris Sugrue's light bugs, Keyfleas uses Processing and Box2D to coordinate and control the swarm around a user's fingers. Peyton may develop more detailed or responsive creatures for future iterations of the project. [Creative Applications]
