新华网11月13日电 如今在社交网络上很多人十分热衷于使用“赞”这个功能,认为“点赞”能够为慈善机构带募来更多的善款。然而,据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,一项研究表明,在网络上热衷于为慈善事业点赞的人在现实中并不会更多地参与到慈善活动中去。

该研究报告由加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院发布,报告执笔者之一Kirk Kristofferson表示,“很多慈善机构误认为通过社交网络将人们连接起来会为慈善活动来得更多的积极影响,但经过研究我们发现,在网络上公开支持慈善事业的人在现实中并不会因此捐赠更多的善款。”




The trend for clicking “like” underneath things may be having an impact on the money raised by charities, with one report suggesting people who think they re helping by liking and sharing appeals might not bother actually handing over any loose change the next time a tin s rattled their way.

The Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia compiled the report into our modern charitable mindsets, with co-author Kirk Kristofferson saying: “Charities incorrectly assume that connecting with people through social media always leads to more meaningful support. Our research shows that if people are able to declare support for a charity publicly in social media, it can actually make them less likely to donate to the cause later on.”

The concept was tested with a Poppy Day campaign. People who joined a Facebook group to show their support were found to be less likely to contribute financially later when actually asked to pay for a poppy, because, by liking a thing, they felt like they d already bravely done their bit.
