新华网国际频道11月20日电 据科技博客Gizmodo,笔记本电脑让人们实现了随时随地都能开展工作,无论是乘坐飞机时,还是度假的沙滩上。但是,离开了有良好私密性的办公区,如何能保证自己电脑上的内容不被周围别有用心的人窥探到呢?La Fonction品牌推出了一款皮质电脑包,可通过折叠变身为一个小型格子间,无论何时何地都能确保使用者在私密的空间里进行工作。




The laptop has made it possible for us to work almost anywhere on earth; from the cramped quarters of a plane seat, to a relaxing beach. But away from the privacy of your office, you often want to keep prying eyes off your screen, which is why this No. 1 leather laptop bag from La Fonction is so brilliant. It transforms into a tiny mobile cubicle, letting you work with adequate privacy no matter where you set up your temporary office.

With enough capacity to securely store a fifteen-inch laptop using a set of elastic straps, and an external removable pouch that doubles as a mobile filing cabinet, the La Fonction No. 1 should be all you need to stay productive while you travel. And when deployed, you'll even find pockets for storing documents, pens, and even a photo or two of the kids.

At just over $1,130 it's not cheap, but can you really put a price tag on watching a movie on a plane without your seatmate constantly stealing glances of the action on screen?
