Interviewers Tough Questions

Hiring managers are known to create a tough interviewing experience in order to challenge candidates and test their thinking abilities under pressure. To find out which companies have the toughest interviews, we turned to, which put together a list of the 25 most difficult companies to interview with. The site looked through 80,000 interview reviews, ranking companies based on a 5-point interview difficulty scale. Glassdoor also included a “negative interview experience” and “employee satisfaction” rating, to see if employees were ultimately satisfied with their jobs.



The First Three — Difficulty Doesn t Match Popularity.

You might think companies that are the most popular to work for, like Google and Amazon, would put job seekers through the most rigorous interview process, but not so, according to recently released research. It s the lower-profile, highly specialized niche firms that are the most difficult to get into. Consulting firm McKinsey and Company, based in New York City, tops the list.


No.3 Oliver Wyman

Interview difficulty rating: 3.7

Negative interview experience rating: 9%

Employee satisfaction: 3.6

Tough interview question: “What is the profit potential of offering wireless Internet service on planes?”


No.2 Boston Consulting Group

Interview difficulty rating: 3.8

Negative interview experience rating: 10%

Employee satisfaction: 4.1

Tough interview question: “How many people would use a drug that prevents baldness?”

Tip: Boston Consulting Group (BCG)1963年在波士顿成立。现在世界各地有60个分公司,拥有约5000名咨询顾问,是世界上屈指可数的顾问公司之一。虽然题目足够让人抓狂,但是作为世界知名咨询公司,BCG的员工评价是相当高的,2010年,BCG蝉联美国《财富》杂志最佳雇主百强榜第二位。“有多少人会使用防止脱发的药物?” 这是波士顿顾问集团合伙人的面试问题,这不是天问是什么?

No.1 McKinsey & Company

Interview difficulty rating: 3.9

Negative interview experience rating: 13%

Employee satisfaction: 4.1

Tough interview question: “There are 3 products: tomatoes, luxury cars, t-shirts. What value added-tax is applied to each product type?”




The Famous Ones,Not Easy Ones.

Now, Let s have a look at some famous companies tough questions.


No.9 Google

Interview difficulty rating: 3.5

Negative interview experience rating: 18%

Employee satisfaction: 4.1

Tough interview question: “How many hotels are there in the US?”

Tip: 谷歌产品经理的面试问题——“美国有多少家酒店?”如果没有过目不忘的本领,现场回答这个问题的话,面试者需要极强的的反应能力、估算能力、观察能力,当然还需要不错的记忆力,这真不愧为谷歌面试的经典问题之一,后来也被众多大公司竞相模仿。

No.24 Facebook

Interview difficulty rating: 3.3

Negative interview experience rating: 19%

Employee satisfaction: 4.6

Tough interview question: “It s 6 p.m. and your work day is over, what happened during the day that made it awesome?”

Tip:“时间已经是下午 6 点,你的工作日结束了。在这一天里发生了什么事情让你觉得有所不同?”——这是客户经理的面试问题。这类主观性比较强的问题,就得等各位挑战者各显身手了。

No.25 Amazon

Interview difficulty rating: 3.3

Negative interview experience rating: 18%

Employee satisfaction: 3.3

Tough interview question: “If you were to rank quality, customer satisfaction, and safety in order of importance, how would you rank them? Discuss.”


When you have extensive technical knowledge, interviewing is highly recommend. Even if the work schedule is not for you, it will prepare you for any interview. Just because the interview process is challenging, however, it doesn t mean it s a bad experience. Interviewers are very thorough and put a variety of interesting and challenging scenarios forward for immediate response. If you re not confident or comfortable with your skill sets and problem-solving abilities, this is not the place for you.



site n 位置,场所

rating n 级别,额定值

popularity n 普及,流行

Amazon n 亚马孙河

rigorous a 严格的

profile n 剖面,侧面

niche n 壁龛,合适职务

olive n 橄榄,橄榄树

wireless a 无线的

extensive a 广大的,广阔的

scenario n 剧情说明,情况

